I Can't Do This (majorly edited)

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Draco's P.O.V

When Hermione passed out, I could only feel anger and pain boiling inside of me. How did I think she had already accepted me? I seemed to have forgotten that emotional wounds don't heal quickly.

Nevertheless, I couldn't help but run towards her and scoop her up in my arms. Ignoring how light and perfect she felt with her head on my chest, I raced towards the infirmary.

I laid her down on the bed, my hands shivering. I was scared to know what she thought of me but mostly scared that she'd hate me.

"Hermione will be alright," Harry consoled rather awkwardly.

"I'll better leave," I looked at her pale face, fighting back the tears that threatened to escape, "I don't think I have the courage to face her anymore. I won't spoil her life for my selfish reasons."

With that, I left the room without looking back.


I had spent the evening in the Slytherin common room, something I did when I was majorly stressed out. I didn't know if it was the giant squid or just the plain loneliness that came just by sitting in that cold room, it always comforted me.

I guessed that was how I was. I was used to not being dependent on anyone emotionally. Mother and Father never bothered asking me if I was good. Was that why I became a bully? To vent out my frustration on people because I didn't know how to face my emotions?

It was too late now, anyway. I had become someone I hated, someone Hermione hated. There was no way she'd love me back the way I did.

How I wished I could turn back time and reverse everything wrong I had done to her.

Unwillingly, I dragged myself to my shared dorm with Hermione. I thought I could stay for a few days in the Slytherin house till she got the space she wanted but I was in for a surprise.

"Hermione?" I mumbled the moment the door swept open.

She turned around and saw me, her expression betraying nothing.

She motioned for me to come and sit next to her near the fire and I obeyed.

We didn't speak, because we didn't need to. The silence spoke for itself. I knew she was weighing her options, considering what she wanted to tell me.

Words that would either make us or break us.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now