The Love of a Father

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After Hermione delivered Scorpius,she returned to her training. She trained harder and harder everyday. But then in the evenings,she spent time with Draco and Scorpius.
One night she was extremely tired but she put on a brave face.
"Come here Scorpius!" Hermione beckoned her son.
"M-" Scors tried.
"Yes Scors,say Mom" Hermione smiled.
"So my young man is trying to say Mom,huh?" Draco entered the room.
"M-Dad" Scors finally said.
A moment of silence. Both of them sat dazed looking at their son who turned two weeks. He crawled around and went to play with his toys.
"Did he jus—?" Draco started.
"Yes. He said Dad." Hermione finished.
Draco shifted and put Scorpius in his lap.
"My little bundle of joy" Draco caressed his son.
And that's when it happened. Scorpius looked deep into his father's eyes,and smiled.
Draco was mildly shocked. Not even Hermione could make him realise that he was loved. He never knew that love has a very deep meaning. He had always thought that love just happens.  He loved Hermione with all his heart and he didn't doubt it. But a relationship with his son was completely different.  Sure becoming a father was difficult but loving his son wasn't. His son was the one who made him realise that love was unconditional. Loving your own child was different, beautiful.
"Draco, Scorpius has slept,look." Hermione broke his train of thoughts.
"Oh yeah. Let's put him to sleep." Draco gently got up.
"Please put him to sleep because I am very tired and I am going to sleep." Hermione yawned.
"Mione today was Sunday.  We didn't do anything. Are you ok?" Draco asked, concerned.
"Huh? Oh yeah. Well- I am still sleepy. B-bye" Hermione stammered and rushed to sleep.
"Something is definitely wrong with her. Yesterday she was quite frustrated. When I tried to ask her,she shut me off. And today,she was truly tired." Draco stared into the empty space.
"Dad" Scorpius muttered sleepily.
"Yes son. Let's put you in your bed." Draco murmured and took him in.

Sorry Draco, I am really very sorry.
Hermione sadly looked at his retreating back from her door.
I wish I could tell you everything but I know that you love me and you would insist on taking up that job. Touch wood, if something happens to us who will take care of Scorpius? I can't trust anyone else but you.

Hey guys I am sorry that this chapter is short.  But my exams are starting tomorrow and it's ending on 30 September. I won't be able to update any chapter but after my exams end,two big chapters will be provided. Sorry and thank you!
Edit (2nd Oct,2017): the next chapter is in progress,sorry guys.

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