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Sorry guys for the late update but I was on a tour so I didn't get any time..anyway,here's your update.

Hermione's p.o.v.
I was at the infirmary in no time. I just wanted to make sure Draco was alright.
The scene in front of me made my heart drop to my stomach.
His forehead was wrapped in bandage  and he had a big bruise on his chest. I slightly gasped seeing him shirtless.
Even though he had a perfect body with six pack abs,that bruise looks like as if he was beaten blue and black  He was sleeping so I quietly walked towards his side and sat on the chair.
Even in his sleep,he looked like an angel...sent for me. His breathing was slow and he was still.
I hesitantly reached for his hand and locked it with my fingers.
"Please wake up Draco."I muttered.
Don't be foolish Hermione.He is sleeping.Do you really think he's listening?And why would he listen to you?Does he like you?No way! He thinks you are only a friend—
My thoughts cut off when Draco stirred in his sleep and muttered my name.
My heart fluttered.How much I hate this feeling.
"Hermione"He muttered.
I grasped his hand tighter.
Slowly,he opened his eyes.I felt a wave of relief rush through me.
"Oh Draco!Atleast you are ok!"I said, relieved.
"Mmhm"he said.
His expression was sad and pained.
"Draco,does your bruise hurt?"I asked, concerned.
"Then why do you look pained?"
"None of your business."He snapped.
"Why are you behaving like this? Did I do something wrong?"
"Where is Marcus?You go to him.I am ok, thankyou."He said in the same time.
"I won't"I said, fiercely.
"He came here to invite his death"I gritted my teeth.
"What did he do?"He said, suddenly amused.
"Well,before I came to you here,he came up to me.He asked me to change partners.He had said,'you love and I love you.I don't like my partner and you too don't.I promise I will keep you happy. Just think about this.We will be popular because you played a huge role in the war.We will soon be the best couple.Please Hermione.Will you marry me?'"I quoted his words with anger.
"What was your reaction?"He said softly with sadness in his eyes.
"The way he explained me made me rethink about how I will live with him.I thought about it for a minute and came to the conclusion that he just wanted popularity.Not me.
I felt so annoyed and betrayed,I slapped him very hard.I told him to go away.i ended our friendship right there.Even if I had agreed,I wouldn't be happy with him."
"You broke up?"He asked with sudden happiness.
He had a huge smile on his face.i was confused at his sudden mood shift.
"You don't know how much better I feel right now.

Draco's p.o.v.
Her break up made me think about her again.
She would never betray me.I had been complete fool that she would leave.
It's like she loves me. That reminds me...
"You said that even if you agreed you wouldn't be happy with him.Why?"I asked.

Hermione's p.o.v.
His question took me by surprise.
I loved him and I wanted to tell him that.
"Erm, because..I..umm" I stammered.
"Tell me fast"he said softly.
I took a deep breath "promise you wouldn't be mad?"
"I-I love you" I blurted and blushed crimson red.

Draco's p.o.v.
I couldn't believe my ears.She just said she loved me. I felt on top of the world.
I reached out to hug her but fell back and groaned.
"Are you okay!?"  She gasped
"Yeah.By the way,you lose the bet." I said, smirking.
"Which bet? Oh yeah." She said.
"I will think over what I want you to do for me."
" you.. love me back?"She asked,blushing.
I smirked.
"I may love you"I lied.
She raised an eyebrow.I groaned at my poor lying skills.
"Fine.I love you too."I blurted.
"You do?!"
"Yes.But after you realised you love me. So you are still the victim of the bet."I smirked again
"Fine."She sighed in defeat.
I grasped her hand tighter and whispered,
"Thank you. For being with me. For throwing that Marcus out of your life. I am much better than him,you know."
She scowled. But then we both laughed.
She soon slept and I was finally satisfied that I am with the girl of my dreams.
I looked at our intervened hands and slept dreamlessly,a smile on my face.

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