All well then All smirking

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Draco's p.o.v.
I was woken up when I heard my room door creak close.
I turned on the bedside lamp and saw that there was nothing in the room.
I was about to switch off the light when I noticed something unusual on my table.
A gift? For me? I thought.
It was a neatly wrapped rectangular package.
I saw the note. It said,
Dear Draco,
Get well soon!
I smiled. She really is a caring person.
I bet it's a book. But how did she know which book I like?
Excited,I opened the package.
I groaned at the title.
Step-by-step guide for a Quidditch Seeker.
Drat that girl. I do take back my sweet words for her.

A few weeks later

Hermione's p.o.v.
"There. You are all well now." I said, throwing the bandages into the dustbin.
"Thanks." He said.
"BTW, Quidditch match is coming up.
Red v/s green." I said.
" I am going to play."He declared.
"You sure?Don't get any more severe injuries. I don't want to replace your bandages again." I shuddered at the thought.
"Oh don't worry. Your book did teach me a few tricks." He winked.
"Ok fine. Let's see you at the match."
"When is it?"
"Tomorrow,5 p.m." I said, smirking.
"WHAT?" He asked, bewildered.
"You heard it." I smiled innocently.
"You are so annoying Granger. I am going for practice. See ya later!"
He said quickly and ran.
I laughed.

Draco's p.o.v.
Darn Granger. She could have told me earlier.
I ran to the field and saw that Blaise had already started the practice.
"— and keep to your left." I heard him saying.
"Hey Draco!" He said cheerfully.
"Zabini." I said.
"You well again? Oh. Granger I see." He chuckled and turned.
I kicked him in the butt and he fell down.
"What the heck was that for?!" He yelled.
"Last time. Hope you learnt your lesson."I smiled innocently.
"Oh yes." He mumbled.
"Never repeat it again ok?"
"Never in a million dreams." He agreed.
Everyone in the team were on the ground laughing at the little exchange.
"Hey stop it now! Fly back!"Blaise yelled,out of embarrassment.
"No. Wait."I said.
Everyone stopped.
"I have a new trick to defeat the Reds."
I smirked and started the explanation.
Oh boy.This is going to be fun.

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