Messed up.

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Everything was in a mess.
Hermione,Draco, every one.
But Hermione was the worst. She had read the letter her parents sent her.
The final one. The final words.
                     Obliviate yourself
Hermione paced her room. Ginny was there,but in the bathroom
"Gin!!! How much time do you take?!" She yelled.
"Comin'" she yelled back.
"I swear if you are not out in a min—"
"I get it. I get it. I am out." Gin came,hands up in surrender. She plopped down on her bed.
"Tell me now." She said.
"Okay." Hermione calmed down. She took deep breaths.
"Are you my best friend?" She asked.
Gin raised an eyebrow but chose to answer.
"Of course"
"Will you help me in times of distress?"
"Do you respect my decisions?"
"Will you question my decision?"
Hermione groaned.
"Kidding. Yes." Gin chuckled.
Hermione sighed. Okay. So this was it. Just say it.
"Promise you wont speak until I finish?"
"Obliviate me." She said, determined.
Ginny widened her eyes and got up abruptly.
"What?" Hermione asked, confused.
She looked around to make sure no one overheard them. "What?" She asked again. Ginny pointed to her mouth.
"Oh you want to say something?" Hermione asked
Ginny nodded. "Ok then speak."
"ARE YOU SERIOUS??!!" Ginny yelled.
"Shhh!" she slapped her hand on Ginny's mouth.
"Buffwheedyuwatthudyudat?" Ginny said through muffled voice.
"What?" Hermione asked.
Ginny pointed her eyes to her hand.
"Oops" Hermione removed her hand.
"But why do you want to do that?" She asked.
"My parents want me to do that" she answered.
"Are you happy with what they are doing?"
She chose not to answer.
"Are you not independent?"
"Are they the ones who rule your life?"
"Yes." She answered finally. Ginny did not give up. Her final blow was ready.
"Did you ever think about Draco,the boy who loves you?"
Hermione met her eyes. Her answer was clear. She can't help it. Draco was never in the game. She was the piece while her parents were the players.

"Draco?" Hermione came to him.
"Hmm?" He asked.
"Do you love me?"
He was taken aback by her question.
"Of course I love you."
"Will you do what you are asked to by them?"
He flinched.
"Draco?" She tried again.
No answer
"Draco? Tell me please. I need to know." She refused to give up.
"Yes" he said
"You are not going anywhere."
"I have to. I can't risk your life."
"Draco. You are not going. You are the only one I have."
She pressed her lips to his.
"One final time. Just help me." She begged him.
"It's for both of us." She said,and she meant it.

Sorry guys. Next chapter is definitely the war. Sorry.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now