"he's gone. forever."

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The great hall was in a mess. Everyone was running here and there, shouting orders. No peace.
But somewhere in the infirmary, Draco held Hermione's hand and just sat. Not talking.
Hermione was feeling extremely bad about it. She thought it was because of her that Draco would sacrifice himself.
"Draco?" She asked,silently.
"Mm-hm?" He whispered.
He looked up and gazed deeply in her chocolate-brown eyes.
"Don't be sorry for me sweetheart. It's going to be okay." He assured.
"How?" She asked.
"That's something I have not yet thought of." He chuckled softly.
"What about scorp?" He flinched and it didn't go unnoticed by Hermione.
"What's wrong? Where is scorp?" Hermione asked.
"Perhaps you didn't read his letter, did you?" He said softly.
She shook her head,a bit ashamed.
"Then read it. Now." He took her bag and handed her the scroll. Luckily he didn't notice the other one.
She read it.
Dear Mom,
You weren't there when we came back. Aunt Ginny told me that you will be back soon. But you didn't come. I'm not mad at you but I thought you would be there when I will be going.
Professor said it was time for us to leave you. It's just an hour from now and you will never see me and neither would I see you. Ever. Yes Mom. I am leaving you forever.
Wherever I'll go,I will stay happy. I'll remember what you taught me. Even though I'll lose you,that doesn't mean I'll forget what you taught me. Anyways,I can't write anymore.
I just want to tell you that I love you Mom. I love Dad too. And... I'll miss you. Take care.
Your Scorp.
Hermione was in tears when she finished the letter. Draco soothed her.
"He left us forever,didn't he?" She asked him.
"Yes" he replied.
None of them spoke for a long time. Scorp should stay happy wherever he goes. For that they have to fight. Hermione gathered courage and spoke.
"Now what?"
He looked up and gazed again. In that moment she knew exactly what he was thinking— now we fight.

"Are you sure you took the wise decision?" Amycus asked Alecto.
"Of course brother. Some one should tell them that we are back and we want revenge." Alecto said
"Splendid. You being you also gave them the date." Amycus clapped,voice dripping with sarcasm.
"I know." She said.
"You don't know anything! Won't they tighten their defences now?!" Amycus yelled.
"Peace brother. That's what I want."she looked at him and continued." I purposely gave them the date. I know them well that they won't surrender the traitor. Instead,they'll just hide him. When they would be busy doing so,we attack." Alecto snapped her fingers.
"Genius. Pure genius." Amycus praised.

Back at Hogwarts, Melissa was thinking the same thing. She knew they would attack before the date. And thus she told it to McGonagall and busied herself in training the students.
This is just the beginning of the war.

I am soooooo sorry guys that I couldn't update soon. But I have to tell you that this is going to go on. I won't be able to update soon as it is the time for the main part of my story and I have to think carefully before I type it. So sorry!
Vote and comment. :D

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