I hate you! (edited)

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Hermione's p.o.v.

Never have I felt so irritated in my entire life.

No one would tell me what was going on and my curiousity wouldn't let me live.

Case in point, a few days back I went to the extent of slipping a paper through the doors of the Great Hall, albeit on purpose. Meaning to take it, I opened the door slightly but someone's hand thrusted out and handed me the paper.

Safe to say, I made a fool of myself.

I even thought of giving up. But seeing Draco be all secretive and smiling to himself these days, I wondered what was going on. My overthinking was not helping, either.

Then I thought maybe a rapid fire game would get them to talk so I managed to catch hold of Ginny.

She was playing around with her wand when I asked her to sit.

"Favourite drink?"




"Beacon and eggs."


"Harry." She sighs dreamily and I gagged.



"The secret?"

"Not for you!" She winks.

She laughed at the last question and stormed out of the room in anger. Plan B failed.

But no worries, I had a Plan C too. Now they don't call me the brightest witch of our age for nothing, right?


I had nothing. I pulled my hair in frustration and that was the moment Draco decided to come in.

He smiled slyly at me and said, "Hi."

I walked out in anger and I heard him burst into laughter.


I tried blackmailing Harry and Ron next but they called out on my bluff immediately.

They said and I quote, "there's only one thing you're not good at and that's lying."

I was done with their inside jokes and stuff. I didn't get insecure that easily but I didn't exactly have an easy past.

My thoughts got better of me. This whole marriage thing, they brought people closer but I felt alienated, lost. It wasn't good.

Tears prickled my eyes but I held them in. I knew they were only planning something and not betraying me but it hurt to be excluded from this grand plan that involved everyone. Everyone but me.

"Hey, Hermione," Harry's voice brought me out of my thoughts but seeing the knowing smiles on everyone else's faces as they walk towards me, something inside me snapped.

"I hate you all," I said through gritted teeth before storming out, tears running down my cheeks.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now