Betrayal and Love (edited)

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Hermione's p.o.v

Shortly after Marcus and I interacted, Draco followed by Ginny, Harry, Ron, Pansy and Blaise walked out of the Great Hall. I did not have the time to delve into the confusion because Marcus swept me up in his arms again. 

"How've you been?" He asked, grinning.

"Great," I replied, smiling back. 

"How'd you get in here though? Aren't you a muggle?" I asked him. 

"Well, I went to Durmstrang and honestly had no clue that the girl who lived next doors to me was a wizard like me." He answered, shaking his head. 

"Funny how it turns out," I laughed. "By the way, I should give you a tour around the castle but it is pretty late - "

"We can always do that tomorrow," His grin grew wider if that was possible. 

"You're staying? That's so cool!" I exclaimed.

I turned around to see that people had already started leaving because it was too late in the night so I walked out with Marcus, hoping that tomorrow was going to be good. 


Draco's p.o.v

"Stop drinking more firewhisky!" Ginevra yelled, taking the bottle from my hands.

"Then what do you expect me to do?" I yelled back, more drunk on the pain than I would like to admit. 

"Can both of you calm down?" Harry tried saying. 

Instead of replying, I threw the glass in my hand with force, causing it to shatter into a thousand pieces like my heart. 

Everyone was startled by my outburst but I couldn't care less. The love of my life had another man in her life, someone who probably knew her before I did. 

Someone who probably loved her more than I did. 

No, that wasn't possible. 

"Draco," Pansy said firmly, "You've got to pull yourself together. Think about the quidditch match tomorrow. That should distract you enough to get through the night. Whatever happens later, we'll all deal with it, okay?"

I could only nod. 

They all left, leaving me alone with my thoughts. 

Hermione. Hermione. Hermione. 

Goddamnit, I wanted to break Marcus's jaw.

I didn't know when the tears started pouring out but when I realised I was crying, I couldn't stop. My heart was aching. I tried telling myself it could be a misunderstanding but all I could think about is how Hermione and I did not have a future together. 

Two years of forced marriage and then she could be with the man she really loved. 

That was the last thought in my head before I drifted off to sleep. 

Hermione's p.o.v
After Marcus left to the guest rooms, my thoughts filled with Draco again. I was worried about him because he left so suddenly and I couldn't introduce my childhood best friend to him. 

I wanted to thank him for the birthday surprise but before I could, Marcus appeared and suddenly my head and heart were stuck in a battle. 

A little annoying voice in my head kept reminding me that I somehow chose Marcus over Draco and I couldn't get it to shut up. I just hoped Draco understood.

Lately, I had been noticing all the sweet and gentle stuff he did and it made my heart melt. I had started to like him but with Marcus, my first love back, I was a confused mess. 

A thrilling adventure with someone I barely knew or the safety of a sheltered life with my first love?

I opened the door to his room slightly, only to see him sleeping with the curtains drawn. 

Strange. He always sleeps with the curtains open and the moonlight sweeping in. 

I pushed the worrying thoughts to the back of my head and closed the door, convincing myself that he was only just tired and went to bed early. 

If only I had seen the tears-stained cheeks and shattered glass pieces on the floor.  

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