The Accident

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Draco's p.o.v
I saw Hermione open the door and I quickly shut my eyes. After that,I slept.
In the morning,I went to the bathroom and saw purple bags under my eyes and my cheeks had become red. I washed my face with cold water and I stepped in the shower, meaning to wash off all the painful memories.
I still didn't feel really good but I tried to convince myself that all of that had been a nightmare, although there were proofs which clearly explained that it wasn't a dream.
It was Slytherin v/s Gryffindor match today.I was sure Hermione would be there so I hurried to the grounds quickly.
I did see Hermione in the stands and I waved at her. But she was talking to someone. I went closer and I saw who was that person—Marcus.
I felt as if someone kicked me in the stomach. I stood there,jaw dropped slightly and watched them enjoy each other's company.
So many thoughts raced through my mind at the same time.Hermione didn't even see me waving.I saw Marcus hold her hand and joke with her.My heart shattered.
Match started.Slytherin was leading by 40 points. I could not concentrate on the game. I hung on my broom and flew aimlessly. I saw Hermione looking at the game but she didn't see me.Marcus kept talking while she nodded.
Maybe Marcus and Hermione would be a better pair.I will not be shocked when Hermione announces her love for Marcus.Being a saviour of the wizarding world,I am sure her request for partner change would be accepted.I can just erase my memories and live in the muggle world,saved from the pains of betrayal.
I was so busy thinking that I hadn't noticed a bludger headed to me. I felt a sharp pain on my head and the last thing I knew was that I fell from my broom,while the audience gasped and then it was pitch black.
Hermione's p.o.v
My eyes searched for Draco while Marcus talked.I simply nodded not hearing him,though. I saw Draco.
Even from this distance, I could see a— pained expression his face!?
I wondered why but I jumped from my seat when I saw Draco falling and the audience gasping.
Oh my God!! Draco just fell off his broom!
It pained me when I saw his body lying in a pool of blood.He has broken many bones.Before I knew what was happening,I dashed towards him.i didn't care what everyone was thinking.
Suddenly it hit me. I stopped dead iny tracks.I saw him being levitated to the infirmary.
But I recognised a feeling.A feeling so strong that I have never felt before.Not even for Harry or Ron.
My worries for him,his company around me and all the butterflies I get in my stomach when he smiles at me.
All the memories replayed in my head.
I feel so warm around him.I feel strangely comforted and protected around him.
That feeling was love.Pure love.
Yes.I am in love with Draco Malfoy.
So,I raced towards the infirmary now.

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