ooooh! its malfoy now.

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After two days of the wedding,the couple had went to Madam Pomfrey.
She was scurrying a small student to the bed who presumably had broken an arm.
"Uhhmm" Draco cleared his throat while he held Hermione's hand.
"Oh. The malfoys" the professor looked up.

Hermione's p.o.v.
My cheeks flushed when she used plural with 'malfoy'. I guess I am not used to hearing that.
I felt Draco smirk.
"Professor,I hope you know why we're here,you know..uh- well..." Draco started nervously and I looked at my feet,not able to stop the blush.
The professor didn't seem to notice our awkwardness but instead handed us a vial each and ordered us to put two strands of our hair each.
I pulled out lose strands and broke them into halves so that it would be easier.
Draco did the same.
We handed out vials to her and she mixed them together. Them with a wave of her wand,she produced a greenish-blue liquid and asked me to drink it.
I took a deep breath and with a reassuring nod from Draco,I gulped the contents of the liquid down.
It was a weird sensation but then I fainted.

Draco's p.o.v.
I was watching Hermione gaze into a distance and then faint.
I grabbed her before she touched the ground.
"Mione!"  I cried.
Madam pomfrey silenced me and said," this is normal,mr.malfoy. She will be awake in about 20-30 minutes. Don't worry. And by the way,she will be 6 weeks pregnant, already, you know,the rules of the new Law."
I nodded and carried Hermione to our room,bridal style.

Hermione's p.o.v.
I slowly fluttered my eyes open and I found I was in the bedroom.
Draco was lying next to me,propped on one elbow and playing with my hair.
"Draco,what had happened?"I asked him.
He just stared and played with my hair.
"Nothing,baby." He replied and smirked.
"Draco, something is wrong.tell me what happened there." I retorted.
"Nothing" he said simply. Now I am sure he loves to pick on my nerve.
"Malfoy! Tell me this instant." I yelled a bit.
"Nothing, mrs. Malfoy." He smirked wider now.
I blushed hard. He laughed.
"Merlin! You should have seen your face when Madam pomfrey said mrs Malfoy." He kept laughing while I kept blushing harder.
"I guess I'll take time to get used to this." I said in a small voice.
He stopped laughing and gazed deeply in my eyes. I felt I could get lost in his stormy grey eyes.
"But i love every bit of it. Everytime someone says it,I love it. I love it when people call you that. I'll love it when people will know you by the wife of Draco Malfoy."
He said and with each word he leaned closer until our lips meet.
We got lost in each other's company,the exchange in the infirmary long forgotten.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now