Ruining and Making up

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Draco's p.o.v.
Today I was discharged from the infirmary.
I was trying to get up when I groaned in pain.
Hermione instantly supported my side by placing my arm over her shoulder and I used my other arm to support myself using crutches.
She carefully took me back to the dorm and made me lay on the bed.
I lied down while she sat on the other side of the bed.
After a long moment of silence,she spoke up.
"Draco,I think we should tell about our relationship to our friends."
"What's the hurry?We'll let them know. As if They are aware of nothing in our relationship"I added  sarcastically.
She laughed.
"Oh!It's time to change your bandage on your stomach.I'll wait outside while you change—"
"Do you seriously expect me to change it myself with these plastered hands?"
I asked slightly lifting my hands.
"Yeah.Didn't think of that."She muttered.
"Now?"She asked.
"Now what?You have to help me change it.Simple." I said in a matter-of-factly tone.
"Correction. I myself have to change it while you simply watch."
"You can say that also" I smirked.
"Fine! Can you atleast sit errect on the bed?"
"Do you think so I can do it alone?"
"Fine.I will help you stand.Happy now?"
"That's like my girl" I laughed.
She rolled her eyes. Nevertheless,she slowly helped me get up and then took the bandage from the table.
She rolled my shirt up until the bruise was perfectly visible. She was blushing so hard that I couldn't help but laugh at her face.
"What?" She asked looking up and I noticed that her cheeks were blood red.
I broke into another fit of giggles.
" are.. blushing... really very hard."I managed to choke out.
She didn't answer and continued to wrap the bandage. She circled me while wrapping the bandage.
She also removed the bandage from my head and replaced it with a smaller band-aid.
I had to admit that the bruise on my stomach and head were healing fast.
Magic I thought.
"There.Its done. Does your arm hurt?"
"Why would it hurt?" I asked, trying to hold back laughter while watching her confused expression.
"Why wouldn't it hurt? You have got plasters in your hand!"she said.
"Those are fake.See this."I said while removing the fake plasters from my hand.
"My arms were never hurt.Madam Pomfrey had already taken care of it."
I broke out into a laughter round again seeing her bewildered expression.
"You! Urggh!" She started to leave and that's when I caught her wrist and pulled her back.
I pulled her closer to my chest and I felt both our hearts beat faster.
I smirked and started to lean closer until her face was inches from mine.
We almost kissed when a knock on the door spoiled the perfect Romeo-Juliet moment.
We jumped away. "Come in"I said, grudgingly.
"Mate I thought I should replace your bandage—"Blaise started.
"It's already done"I cut him off.
I gave him a death glare.If looks could kill them Blaise would have been dead by now.
"Hey!Don't look at me like that!"
He defended himself.
"You ruined a perfect moment, Idiot" I said.
Besides me Hermione laughed.
"It can be done next time" and with that she walked out.
"What was she talking about?"Blaise asked confused.
"None of your business.Get out."I said through my teeth.
"Lemme guess.You almost kissed her right?" He smirked.
"'kay,cool." He walked out.
I almost turned when he came in again.
"By the way—"
I bent to pick up my shoe. But he guessed my intention and quickly left.
I could still here him laugh outside the dorm room.
I closed the door.
I know it will happen again.I just know it.And it will happen soon. I thought while replaying Hermione's last words before she left the room.
I smirked and slept on my bed.

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