Hermione's Birthday Plan (edited)

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Draco's p.o.v

Time flew quickly with Hermione around. In this entire time we spent together, I had a feeling that she liked me, atleast a bit.

I was sitting with Weasley, Potter, Blaise and Pansy. I had called an important meeting and they agreed to meet in my dorm. Hermione was out for a meeting with McGonagall about mentoring or something.

"Hermione's birthday is on 19th and today is 12th. What are we planning?" Weasley asked.

Yeah, this was the important meeting I was talking about.

"I've been thinking of a surprise party, people in favour?" I asked.

Three hands shot in the air and I sighed in relief.

"Good, I've already got confirmations from all seventh years from each houses and they're happy to help." I said.

"Okay," Potter nodded, "we'll hold it in the Great Hall. Who's taking charge of decorations?"

"Hufflepuff and Gryffindor," Weasley said.



"Food and drinks?"

"Slytherin, duh." Blaise smirked and I agreed.

Of course Slytherin would be responsible for drinks. Sneaking them in, too.

"Great," Pansy said, smiling at Blaise, her fiance. She wasn't very cool yet with mingling with my new, friends? I don't know, but she was trying and I appreciated that.

"We'll start at sharp midnight on 18th." She continued and we all agreed.

"There's just one problem," Blaise said suddenly, "who'll keep Granger away while we're preparing?"

Merlin's beard. I had completely overlooked that one little fact.

"I'll handle that," a new voice said and we jumped from the suddenness. We turned and saw the woman who had been missing during our conversation.

Ginevra Weasley, the fierce redhead with a flaring temper.

"Ginny?" Her brother asked in surprise.

"The one and only," she smiled. I could see why Potter was head over heels in love with her, she had a killer smile.

Of course, nothing beat the million dollar, dazzling smile of my fiancee.

Gosh, I sounded lovesick.

"How?" I asked.

"You don't worry about that, just know that she won't interfere." She said, waving a hand to dismiss our doubts.

"Thank you," I said, "I'd never want to ruin her special day."

"Whipped," Pansy teased.

I rolled my eyes and they all laughed.

Well, who cared what they thought? My girl, (not yet but soon, wink wink) deserves only the best. I was ready to do anything for her happiness.

Besides, I was a Malfoy. And a Malfoy makes sure to claim what they laid their eyes on.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now