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It was pretty cold down there. Hermione rubbed her hands to stop from freezing. Mel steadily walked ahead,wand ready.
Hermione followed, trying to steady her heart beat.
Suddenly,Mel stopped. Hermione paused. Muffled voice was heard. One look at Mel's face and she knew that this was it. The death eaters were in here.
The door was slightly ajar so they stepped a bit closer.
"-and blow them up." A voice said.
"No. It's not that easy. The Dark Lord himself couldn't do it. We need a better strategy." A cold voice said.
"But master-"
"No buts. This is my final command." The cold voice boomed.
"Yes-yes master." And then footsteps were heard.
Mel and hermione pressed themselves closer in the shadows. The door opened and a dark,talk figure walked out. He must have sensed their presence because he stopped.
He looked back and both the women caught their breaths. But he turned and walked away.
They let out a breath and came out of the shadows.
"Did you hear them?" Mel asked.
"Yeah " was all Hermione could answer.
"Expelliarmus!" A voice boomed in the dark and their wands were out of their hands.
They yelled when a curse hit them and they were pushed to the ground.
"So you think you could escape so easily huh?" The voice laughed.
The women tried to struggle free of the man's tight grasp.
He pulled them up with the back of their necks that made them wince.
He laughed again.
"No one escapes the Carrows. No one."
He laughed again.
Mel and Hermione tried to look at each other but couldn't. However,both were thinking the same thing. The to-be attackers were no one but the Carrows.

They were tied with a tight rope and were on their knees.
"Look who we have here." The same cold voice laughed evilly.
"The only bright witches the prestigious school can send us as spies were these? Who were caught right before they heard anything?" The voice laughed dangerously.
"Now now Amycus. Let's not bother them." A woman in a black robe stepped in placing a hand on Amycus's shoulder.
"Alecto." Hermione said,her voice dripping with venom.
"Oh my dear dear Mudblood! How much I missed you!" Alecto said sweetly.
"My dear sister this is not the time to talk sweet." Amycus sighed.
"Of course brother. This is the time to..." She stopped.
And then,added with a malicious edge to her voice, "have some fun." She nodded to her brother who handed her a wand.
With a flick of her wand,the ropes began to tighten themselves around Mel and Hermione flinched as the ropes tightened,cutting their skin.
"Now assuming you two live before I finish,let me get to the point." Alecto roamed around them in circles,bored.
"Hear me carefully. If you survive,we let you go. Simple. Once you are there you tell everyone the truth. Including you two being spies. We don't want any of your lives but if before midnight on 23 March,two days from now,we want the traitors to surrender." Now dropping on her knees near Hermione,she lifted her chin with the tip of her wand.
"Do you want to know who the traitor is.?" She laughed evilly,malice tracing her eyes.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy. And because of you he betrayed us so you too." She laughed again. Hermione's eyes widened. So that's why a spy from their side was lurking in the school. That's why they wanted her. So that they could reach to Draco.
"He betrayed the Dark Lord. He betrayed us. And now he pays for it.
In front of his own eyes,you will die first,Mudblood and then we finish him. But if you two don't then we attack the school." She got up. With a last flick of her wand,the ropes tightened their best leaving the women hell in pain as it cut deep in their skin.
"Let the school know what the Carrows can do!" Alecto announced and the others laughed.
And then everything went pitch black.

When both of them woke up,they found that they were outside the tunnel.
Both of them were thinking the same thing. That the school is in grave danger.
Somehow they managed to reach school. Mel went straight to the Auror office, Hermione went to the great hall.
Her clothes were drenched in blood,her hands and her eyes were red.
She clutched her arm and limped in the Hall. People were laughing and having breakfast. Of course they didn't know anything about the dark shadow lurking over their heads.
She pushed the doors open and the room went silent.
"Professor!" Hermione cried,still in a lot of pain. Everyone was looking at her and slowly got up from their seats.
"Hermione!" Draco's voice yelled but she didn't have time to look. She had to tell professor.
"My dear Hermione!" What happened to you?!" McGonagall gushed.
"The-the- carro-" she wasn't able to finish her sentence. She fainted.
"Quick. Someone take her to the infirmary" McGonagall ordered. Once Hermione was gone,the room was full of whispers.
"Silence!" McGonagall ordered.
The room went silent.
"I believe this is the time to tell you something. Hermione is a spy for us."
Whispers were again started.
"But professor why do we need a spy? She isn't even experienced in that matter." A boy,Bertie spoke up.
"She is definitely better at spells than you are Bertie." McGonagall snapped,which shut him.
"Professor please explain clearly." Draco begged.
"Hermione was spying the death eaters and today came back from her mission. I believe she has some bad news for us,a result of what has happened to her."
"You are absolutely right professor" Melissa walked in.
"Students,this is ms. Williams from the Head Aurors Department"
McGonagall announced.
Melissa in short told whatever she knew to the professor. The room was deathly silent when she finished.
"Hogwarts is in danger." Ginny rose up from her seat.
"And this is our chance to prove our loyalty towards our school. Just like we did in the battle. Hermione put her life in danger to spy for us. To find out who threatens Hogwarts. And now,she needs our help. To fight them. To remove their shadow from our school. To surround our school with true brightness. Isn't it what our school expects us to do? Stand up for it when it needs us? It is truly said that 'help will be always provided at Hogwarts to those who deserve it.'"
Nobody moved. The words of Ginny hung in the air.
"I support Hogwarts" draco finally said.
"Me too" harry rose from his seat
"Me too" Ron rose from his seat.
And so on, everyone stated their support for their school.
McGonagall had tears in her eyes.
"I can't state how proud I am of my students. If Professor Dumbledore would have been here,he would have been so proud of you."
Everyone had the same look on their faces- to harm Hogwarts,the enemies will first have to face them.

Sorry guys for the late update..ummm yeah that's it.
Vote and comment please..i love to read Ur comments on my story and I am glad you are enjoying it.

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