i leave for a mission.

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"hmmm" Melissa said, tapping her chin.
"So what do you think" Hermione asked,leaning in her chair.
Melissa looked into her eyes,making Hermione suddenly brace herself for something.
"That it's time." Melissa said.
"For what?" She asked.
"To send you in your very first mission." McGonagall said, coming out of the shadows.
"Professor?" Hermione asked, perplexed.
"We have to send you to the rumoured base of the death eaters. There you will lurk in the shadows and find out who their leader is."
"Sounds..." Hermione started.
"Very tricky. I'll be there don't worry." Melissa said.
"Oh. Ok" Hermione said,still not convinced.
"When do we leave?" She asked.
"Tonight." Mel replied,earning a wide gasp from Hermione.
Time for some action.

She went back and removed a duffel bag. She knew she won't be gone for long so chose a small one.
She finished packing before the two boys came back from the fields.

"Dad please don't let me fall." Scorp pleaded.
"Of course not son. You will not fail." Draco said.
"Trusting you." Scorp muttered and flew. He almost fell but regained his balance. Draco yelled reassuring words.
Scorp felt confident now that he came to know how to fly on a broom. He swooped around in circles and the infinity.
He suddenly descended. Draco shouted,"scorp slow down!!" But he didn't listen. He swooped down and lost his balance.
He fell but didn't bruise himself very bad. He got a deep cut near his elbow.
"Dad!" Scorp yelped in pain.
"I told you to slow down,didn't I?" Draco walked towards him,but did not bend to help him. Scorp was furious at this.
"Dad can't you see that I am in pain?" He screeched,still clutching his arm.
"I can very well see that." Draco simply said.
"Then help me please!!" He pleaded.
"Son." Draco got on his knees beside him but didn't help.
" Quidditch involves lot of bruises and deep cuts. You may even get hit with a bludger. But remember one thing. Only strong-willed people can play quidditch."
"What are you implying then?"scorp asked.
"I am not implying anything. I am making you understand that pain is a part of growing up. I am making you stand on your own hands without expecting the help of anyone. Not your Mom,not me. No one can take away your hardships. You have to face them and overcome the challenges. Your success can be determined only by you. Pain is a part of that road which people commit themselves to. I may not be there everytime with you. So you have to learn to stand and face the world.
But that doesn't mean I don't care about you. Parents feel their child's pain and are troubled when their child is in pain. But they don't show it because they themselves know how important a setback in life is. We are always there with you son. We will guide you. Confide in us everything that troubles you. We will show you thw correct path. Don't worry." Draco finished.
Scorp hugged him tight,the pain long forgotten.

Hermione had heard everything. Each and every word.  She walked off without another word as she didn't know how to tell draco that she was leaving.  She has told Ginny and asked her to tell him whatever lie she fed her. But the conversation involved a part that had been the motive of draco to make his son understand. Draco didn't want his son to make the same mistake he made. And she knew that he was a wonderful dad, because the meaning in those simple words indicated only one thing.
Your family loves you however you may be or whatever you are. Never take them for granted.

ROYALTY (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now