Shawn (dirty)

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This ones for Ashlynn. Hope you enjoy!


Today was you and Shawn's 2 year anniversary, and you were spending it at none other than the..... Olive Garden!

Not only was that your favorite restaurant, but it was where you and Shawn had your first date. That day was absolutely perfect, and you still remember it by every little detail. It was perfect, he was perfect.

You were so excited to see what he had planned for you tonight. You could hardly wait. The outfit you had picked out was perfect. A beautiful high to low dress, black at the top and cheetah at the bottom, with a pair of black heels.

You texted Shawn just to make sure you guys were still on for tonight. You: Hey babe, just wanted to make sure if we were still on for tonight? Get back to me soon! Love ya!

After you texted him, you had gotten dressed and started to put your make up on. After you were done the time was around 6:45. You guys had dinner plans for 7:00 and Shawn still hasnt texted you back yet. You wait 5 minutes, and still no answer. You decide to wait it out another 5 minutes, yet he still doesnt answer.

You decide to go to the Olive Garden anyway. Maybe he was gonna surprise you? Who knows.

When you get to the Olive Garden, you dont see his car in the parking lot but you decide to go inside anyway. He isnt in there. You sit in the waiting room for at least an hour and a half before you get frustrated and storm out.

You get into your car and drive home, balling your eyes out. How could he forget like this? Why would he do this?

When you got home, you sat on your couch and called Shawn about 7 times, but he never picked up. Not even once. You looked at the clock and it said 9:30. It was getting late and he probably wont show up so you fell asleep.

About a half an hour later there was a knock at the door. You got up, turned all the lights on, and looked out the window. It was Shawn.

You opened the door Shawn immediately said "Ashlynn.. I am so sorry i forgot. Please forgive me." "Shawn. Save it. Obviously im not that important to you if you forgot our 2 YEAR anniversary." You yelled in his face. You started to cry again. He grabbed you and pulled you into a hug. "Let me show you how important you are to me" he said breaking the hug to give you a kiss.

As soon as he kissed you, butterflies appeared in your stomach, just like every other time you guys kissed. The kiss became more passionate, and quickly turned into a make out session. You guys stood there for a good 5-10 minutes just making out.

You tug at his shirt and he takes it off, and throws it to the floor. He pushes you back and onto the couch, not breaking the kiss. He starts to unzip your dress (since you fell asleep in it cuz you were so upset) And you stand up and let it fall to the ground. "Wow.... you really are beautiful Ashlynn" Shawn says eying you up. He smashes his lips against yours and starts to unclip your bra. After he throws that to the ground, he kisses your neck, down, leaving a trail of wet sloppy kisses down your body.

"Im gonna show you how much you mean to me" he says in a sexy voice. He takes off your underwear and admires you, soaking wet. He wastes no time and shoves his finger right into you. You moan in pleasure. It feels so good. With every thrust, he curls his fingers, hitting the g-spot every time. After you reach your climax, he stops. "My turn" you say. "Noooo!" He says. "Tonight is all about you Ashlynn" as he said this he started to undo his belt, then he pulled down his pants and his boxers, revealing his 8 inch. You stared at it in awe and watched as he moved closer to you.

"Ready baby?" He asked you. "Mmmhhmmmm" you moaned eagerly. He pushed himself into you slowly. At first it hurt but the pain turned into.....pleasure? Yes. Pure pleasure. "Move Shawn. Please" you said eagerly. "Whatever you say baby girl" Just then he started to thrust into you faster and faster. Hitting you in all the right places. "Oh god yea. SHAWN. FASTER BABY." You moaned/screamed. He did as you asked and thrust faster. You started to realize his thrusts getting sloppier and sloppier. He moaned your name, louder and louder. "Ashlynn, Ashlynn. Oh yeah baby" this made you twice as horny which made you cum faster. After you came, you felt Shawn release inside of you.

"So, howd i do showing you how important you are?" He asked laying beside you on the couch. "Amazing" you replied out of breath. After that night, Shawn never forgot anything, and when he did, it was on purpose because he knew what he was gonna get :).


So how'd you like it?

If you want personals please inbox me or kik me at: TaylorCamMatt18. Thanks guys!!!😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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