Nash (sweet)

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For: prettygurlxoxox


Today was my best friend Shawn's 16th birthday. Me and Shawn have known each other since like birth. Well, once he started to go on that Magcon Tour thingy, he invited me to go with him. Long story short, i went with him, and i met the cutest, funniest, nicest guy. His name is Nash. Nash Grier, and he has the cutest little sister, and his little brother is pretty funny too.

I couldn't wait for the party to start. Nash was gonna be there and tonight i wanted to find out if he really liked me. Shawn keeps telling me he does, but i don't believe him. I mean look at him, then look at me. How?

I started to head over Shawns. The party was in an hour or so, but i wanted to help him set up. "Andrea!!!" Shawn opened the door and greeted me with a warm hug. "Shawnyy poooo. Happy birthdaaay" i hugged him back, then handed him his present. I bought him a new guitar. "Oh my god. You didn't have to do that!" He said giving me another hug. "Well i did. So you better like it". "Actually i hate it. Take it back" he made a sour face then burst out laughing. We both laughed till our stomachs hurt, then i helped him finish setting up.

The first people to arrive were the Jacks, and they brought Sam with them. Always together they were. I don't think i've ever seen them apart actually. The next crew of people to come were Taylor, Dillon, Aaron, and Carter. They were hilarious. Like honestly. There was no party without them. They were the party.

Finally, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, and Matt arrived. God Nash looked hot tonight. I just couldn't take it.

I said my Hello's and gave everyone a big hug. "Hey Andrea. Can i talk to you?" I heard Shawns voice beside me, interrupting me and Taylor's conversation. "Yeah sure" i signaled Taylor a 'hold on' and followed Shawn into the kitchen.

"So umm. I just talked to Nash and ummm.." Uh oh. I knew this was gonna he bad. "He doesnt like me does he?" I asked, disappointed. He shook his head no and brought me into a hug. Tears threatened to pour, but i refused. He let go of me. "I'm gonna take a few minutes" i walked through the party, and onto the front porch. I just needed some air.

I sat the just looking up at the stars. I knew it was too good to be true. We just don't belong together. I tried telling myself it's not me, it's him, but the tears poured down my face, and there was nooo stopping them.

I heard the door behind me open, thinking it was just Shawn, i continued to cry and star gaze. "Andrea..." I heard that voice, and my heart just dropped. It was Nash.

I just sat there, no response, no nothing. I felt him behind me, his eyes on me, and i watched him sit beside me. "Andrea... What's wrong?" I couldn't even talk. It would be an embarrassment. "Hey" he said softly nudging me. "Stop crying. Tell me whats wrong" i still couldn't talk. The tears trickled down my face, on after another. "Did Shawn tell you....?" He asked concerned. I broke down. I was literally hysterical. I nodded yes, and he threw his arms toward his face.

"No no. Andrea. Please listen and understand that what i told Shawn was a complete lie. I told him no, because i wanted to tell you myself that i liked you. I didn't want it to be through someone else. Please don't cry" he lifted my chin up and wipe away more of my tears. "You... You like me?" I managed to get out. "Of course i like you! How could i not?! I mean look at you. Zaayummm girl. You fine" i chuckled as he did that silly face he always does. "I've liked you since i first laid eyes on you. I want to be with you Andrea. And i hope you want to be with me too. Because I love you. And i mean it" he grabbed my cheeks with his hands and brought my face closer to his. "I love you" he whispered before he softly pressed his lips against mine. Sparks flew, and i knew Nash was the one. I just knew it.

"C'mon now babe. Let's get back to that party" he winked, and we walked back into the party, hand in hand.


Hope you liked it Andrea😘. Your Carter one will be up soon💖.

I have sooooo many reads and votes and im just so happy and grateful for you guys! I can't thank you enough. I love you guys😘.

Stay Nashty🏄

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