Matt (romantic)

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For: KyraEwing


"So.. How are you and Matt?" My best friend asked me. Smirking. We were out shopping today. I needed to find a dress or something for tonight. It was me and Matt's 1 year anniversary. "Amazing. He hasn't invited me to do anything yet, which is sort of weird i guess. Maybe we'll just hangout or something. Who knows" i replied. I was a little upset because i thought this whole "1 year" thing was supposed to be big and special. I guess not to Matt, it's alright though.

We talked for a while and finally, i found the perfect dress. I bought it and we both headed out of the mall.

We hopped in the car, and i felt my phone buzz. Hmm. Maybe its Matt?

-Movie tonight at my house. Its scary by the way😏. See you there. Love you.

Wow. He really did forget. I mean yeah, i was a little upset, but i still loved him.

"Thanks for the ride girly" i gave my best friend a hug and headed out of her car towards my house. "Np babesss. Anytime"

I walked up to my house and went inside. I decided to take a shower, put on my dress, and just relax.

After i did all of that, i came back downstairs and turned on the t.v. Absolutely NOTHING was on. I was forced to watch the only decent show on, which was Mountain Monsters. Stupid.

I was about half an hour into the show and surprisingly it wasnt that bad. I got up during a commercial to get a drink. Man i was parched. I walked to the fridge, grabbed a coke, and looked at the clock. '6:25'. Holy shit. Where did time go?!

I went back into the living room, and was about to sit on the couch, but there was a knock at the door. Who the hell could that be?

I walked towards the door and opened it. It was Nash. "Heeey gurrl. You lookin fine." He smiled. "Thanks" i laughed at one of my best guy friends. "Ready?" He asked. "Ummmm. For what?" I questioned. "Im taking you bowling" "ohh. Alright. Lemme just grab my phone and some money" i was a little shocked. I mean couldn't he have just called me and asked first? Well, thats Nash for ya.

I grabbed everything i needed and headed out the door with Nash. I got into the car and he turned on the radio. There really wasnt anything good on. At all.

"Sooo. Hows your day been?" He asked breaking the silence. "Good. Good. Todays me and Matt's 1 year anniversary. But i think he forgot about it" i said reminding myself of earlier. "Im sure he didnt" he replied. "Im pretty sure he did. I didnt get one text besides him telling me to come over tonight to watch a scary movie" a tear fell out of my eye. "Hey. Don't be upset. Im sure he didn't forget. I mean how could he right?" He smiled. "Yeah. I guess so" then the silence came back.

"How far is this bowling alley?!" I asked after another 25 minutes or driving. "We're not going bowling" he looked at me. "You told me we were! Where are we going??" I'm getting a little nervous. By now, it was like 7:00. The sun was starting to set and everything. "Thats a secret and it cannot be told till we arrive at our destination. Which is now approximately...... 10 minutes away." He said all proper like. "Your not gonna like rape me? Are you..?" I just looked at him. He looked at me. "Definitely" he laughed. "Shut up and just tell me where we're going!" I said. "I can't!!!" He said back. "Fine then" i crossed my arms and faced out the window.

Watching the trees and cars go by, i started to get a little sleepy. I closed my eyes for a few minutes. "WE'RE HERE" Nash screamed in my eyes. "Jesus christ Nash. I don't think China heard you. You wanna scream a little louder?" We both laughed and i got out of the car. I wonder how long i was asleep for. I looked around and everything was pitch black. All i could hear was. Waves, i think it was. Was i at the beach?

I went to turn to Nash to ask him, but he was gone. Totally out of sight. "Nash??" I called out. But i got no answer. I looked around a little more, and decided to walk onto the beach, maybe he was there.

My feet touched the sand, and all my thoughts floated away. Thats why i love the beach, its so relaxing.

I started to walk towards the water, but i heard some noise behind me. It wasnt anything creepy like laughing, or talking or anything. But music, it was music playing. And it sounded like someone familiar.

I walked toward the sound. As i came closer and closer, the song became clearer. It was 'life of the party' and i knew exactly who was singing it. Shawn.

I walked toward him and he nodded his head as he continued to sing. I looked beside him and saw all of the boys standing in a line. Jack, Jack, Sam, Hayes, Cameron, Taylor, Dillon, Aaron, Carter, and last was Nash. Thats where he went.

I looked at all of them in awe. What was all of this?! They all looked back at me. One after another they flipped up signs. They were all arrows. At first i didn't get it. But finally, i followed the arrows to what seemed like a lit up part of the pitch black beach. I just walked and walked till i finally saw it.

A beautiful blanket laid on the sand right near the water. Around the blanket, we're candled. Hundreds of them. I was admiring everything and too busy to notice that the music had stopped. I looked up to see if Shawn was still there, and too my surprise, Matt stood before me.

"MATT!!!" I screamed as i jumped into his arms. "Babygirl" he kissed my cheek and spun me around. "I thought you forgot!" I said as he put me down. "Of course i didnt. I could never. You mean the world to me. Kyra. I have NO idea where i would be without you. Tonight is about you and me and nothing else." A tear fell from my eye. "I love you Matthew" i cried. "I love you to Kyra".

The rest of the night, we spent talking, cuddling, and falling in love even more.


This was a long one! Sorry😊.

Hope you liked it Kyra💖

I have so many concerts next month😍. Im going to 2 One Direction concerts and for one im in the 4th row😍. Then im going and Meeting Austin Mahone, Shawn Mendes, and The Vamps for a second time😍. Im gonna like cryyyyy.

Anywaaayyss. Love you guys and keep on voting😘😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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