Taylor (dirty)

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For: ZoeBaee


"Im gonna go out to the store" i said to my boyfriend of 3 years Taylor. "Yup" he said, attached to the t.v. "Then im gonna go to the movies" i said again. Just testing him. He's been really weird lately. Like he doesnt love me anymore. I really hope thats not the reason, because i love him too much to see him go.

"K" he said. Still glued to the t.v. "Then afterwards, im gonna go fuck Cameron" i said giving a small smile. "Have fun" he said with absolutely no expression.

"Alright. What the hell's going on?! Why dont you love me anymore?!! It really makes me upset how i love you so much. And you just don't seem to care anymore" i plopped my stuff onto the hotel counter. "Don't start Zoe" he said getting up from the couch. "Don't start what Taylor?! You don't love me anymore! Just admit it!" I started get really upset. I tear slipped from my eye as i watched the one i love stand before me. "I'll never love you less" he said continuing to wall towards me. "Well than, why have you been acting weird. Like you don't care??" I asked him. I was almost afraid of the answer.

"I really don't know. I know you love me. And i know you wouldn't do anything behind my back to i just stopped worrying". I kinda don't believe that. "Really...?" I said. "Im not that stupid" i said walking past him and into our temporary bedroom for the week. "Please babe. Listen to me. I'm being serious" he said following me into the bedroom.

"Listen" he said grabbing my arm and flipping me around so that I'm inches away from his face. "Let me show you how much i love you" he said closing the space between us.

Our lips met, and the familiar butterflies appeared in my stomach. He kissed my neck than pushed me onto the bed. He slowly pulled my shirt over my head, and stared to caress my boobs. He kissed me again, this time more passionately. "I love you. More than you'll ever imagine" he said.

He slid a finger into my shorts and slowly inserted it inside of me. "Mmmm" i moaned as he started to pump his finger in and out of me. "You like that baby?" He asked pushing farther and pumping faster. I nodded my head and brought his head to mine, kissing his lips.

I felt him slowly slide off my pants and watched as he threw them across the room. He got up and locked the door. "Nobody can disturb us" he said winking. He walked back and spread open my legs. "Your so wet" he said starting to massage me. I let a small moan escape my lips, and watched as he buried his head between my legs. I missed this. The way his tongue moved drove me absolutely crazy. He lifted his head up and inserted a finger into me again. He looked into my eyes and i looked into his.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. "I need you. Now" i said. He smiled and wasted no time to pull off his pants and placed himself to where he was comfortable. He slowly pushed himself and quickened the pace immediately. "Fasterre Tayloorr. Yes baby. Yess" i moaned louder and louder. I felt the familiar knot in my stomach appearing. "Zooeeee" he moaned. That took me over the edge.

"Taylor.... I think im gonna..." I spoke too soon. I felt Taylor release inside of me and it took me over the edge. "Yesssss" i moaned as i released and watched as we rode out our highs.

Taylor pulled out and looked at me. "I love you. I always have and i always will. Nothing you say or do with make me love you less. Please know that" he said laying beside me. I nodded and kissed his nose. "I love you too" i said and I fell asleep in his arms.


Hope you liked it Zoe💕

Im on a roll guys😍. Im so excited cause im graduating on friday. Omg. Yaaaass. Thanks for all the support. I love you guys😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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