Taylor (dirty)

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For: Cheerbae3


"Why are you staring at me?" I asked my boyfriend Taylor.

"Because" he answered. Well that helped. "Because why?" I retorted. "Because Nicole. Your beautiful. Absolutely perfection." I giggled a little. "What?" He asked. "No im not" i said laughing. "Yes you are. Trust me" he said back. "No im not. Trust me." I was still laughing. Does he really think im beautiful?

"Fine. If you don't think so than i'll just have to show you"

He grabbed my waist and stood me up. We were in the living room of his house and no one was home. So we were good. He kissed my neck and when he got to my sweet spot, he nibbled on the skin a little. "Tayloorrr" i moaned. "Oh, You'll be moaning my name for weeks after im done" i smacked his arm and we both giggled. But he immediately returned to what he was doing. He came to my shorts and pulled them down along with my underwear. "Beautiful" he whispered.

I rolled my eyes then brought my attention back to him. Damn he was good. He really does make me feel beautiful when he does these things to me. I dont know why, but he does.

He pushed me onto the couch and kissed my inner thighs. A small moan escaped my lips and he giggled a little but continued what he was doing. When he reached the sensitive area between my legs, he gently rubbed his finger up and down. I can tell you that i was basically soaked right now. Everything that boy did turned me on. Like damn.

He rubbed circles around me clit then continued by pushing a finger inside of me. "Mmm" i moaned. He started to push it in and out which made it feel really good. Is it weird to say i loved this. I love seeing Taylor between my legs? I hope not.

He continued to do that as i continued to moan. He pulled his finger out, kissed my clit, and whispered in my ear "here comes the big daddy" he said seductively. But it didnt really come out seductively so i chuckled a little. But the. But my lip when he pulled down his pants.

He nibbled at my ear as he positioned himself inside of me. Once we were settled he started to thrust in and out. "Nicollee" he moaned as he thrusted. "Faster baby" i moaned back. His thrust became faster and he looked at me. He grabbed my hips and i started to move with him. God this felt good.

Once he hit the spot i knew it wasn't going to be long before i released. "Moan my name" taylor taunted me. "Tayyyylorrr" i moaned. I could tell by his facial expression that he was gonna let go any second. I looked at his face on more time and it took me over the edge. I released and he soon released after.

"Do you feel beautiful now?" He asked pulling himself out. "I do actually" i replied kissing him. "Thats what i thought" he said winking. "If it takes sex to show you how beautiful you are. I'll show you every day" he looked me in the eyes. "In your dreams" i laughed and kissed him again. Not long after, we fell asleep in each others arms. He really was the best boyfriend anyone could ask for.


Hope you liked it Nicole. And sorry it took a while😢.

This was probably the last update of the night. But i should update again tomorrow. Again, depending on the internet. But anyway. Sleep tight my lovelies😘. AND.......

Stay Nashty🏄

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