Taylor (dirty)

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For: AveyLee


"Give... It.... Back" Taylor said calmly as i ripped his bandana off of his head. "NO!" I shouted running down the stairs laughing. "Averryy" he moaned chasing me around the house. I ran outside and into the backyard. Our backyard was pretty big too. So it was fun seeing him chase me around.

I was running for a while and i had started to get tired so i slowed down. "GOT YA" he screamed, scaring the hell out of me. "AAAHH" i screamed as he picked me up off the ground, making me drop his headband. He put me down and reached on the ground to picked it up. "HA" he laughed in my face swinging it back and forth.

I leaned against the shed behind me and crossed my arms, pouting. I stared at Taylor till finally he broke the silence. "Ehhh. Ya know. I don't really need this anyway" he threw the bandana behind him and walked up to me wrapping his arms around my waist. "You'll all i ever need" he brought me closer to his body and kissed my neck. I knew where this was going. And i liked it.

"Taylor. Not here" i giggled as he continued to kiss my neck. I pushed him away, then he started to pout. I laughed a little more and grabbed his hands. "Upstairs" i assured him biting my lip. I watched as his frown turned into a huge smile.

We ran up the stairs, me first, and into Taylor's bedroom. "I want you" he whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine. He kissed my neck again, and i pulled my shirt over my head, along with my shorts. I threw them across the room. "Eager. I like it" he raised his eyebrows. "Shut up" i said laughing and pushing him away. "Maybe i don't wannaaa" he whined. I shut him up by kissing him roughly. "Is that gonna shut you up?" I asked him biting my lip. "Mmmm. Not really." He smirked. "How about this?" I questioned, placing my palm over his rising shorts. A moan escaped his lips and i smiled. I pulled my hand away. "That seemed to work" i said. "Nooooo" he whined bringing my hand back to his shorts. "Ohhh. I see what you want." I bit my lip and pushed him onto the bed. I laid on top of his and stared into his lust-filled eyes.

I placed my palm on his shorts again and another moan escaped his lips. "God Averyyy. Your so good" he moaned while moving his hips. I removed my hand from his bulge and pulled down his pants eagerly. When i saw his length in front of me, i grabbed it, and immediately started to suck on it. He moaned even louder.

After a few moments, i felt Taylor push my head away. "Enough with me. Its your turn" he smirked and flipped me over so that he was on top. I giggled and watched as he pulled of my underwear. "Your so beautiful" he moaned. I felt a slight pinch and noticed that he had pushed a finger inside of me. Then two. Than three. The pleasure increased with every pump, until he pulled out. "Your such a teaaaseeee" i moaned.

He wasted no time and placed himself at my entrance. "I wont be for long" he replied, and pushed himself into me. Moans, escaping both of our mouths. "Taaayyllooorrr" i moaned as his thrusts got faster. "Yesss babyyy" he moaned back. "Mm. Mm. Mm." Every thrust hit my g-spot. The pleasure increased and i couldn't hold it any longer. "Tay, i think im gonna--" "i know babyy. Hold onn" he moaned in return. A few more thrusts, and i released. "Averryyyy" Taylor moaned as he released inside of me.

We rode out our highs and Taylor pulled out. "I think that was the best we've ever had" he smiled. I laughed. "Just for that, i'll buy you a new bandana" his jaw almost dropped to the floor. He stood up and jumped up and down, and quickly got dressed. "YAAAYY" he screamed. "Your such a child" i giggled. And after that, we went and bought TONS of bandanas.


Hope you liked it Avery❤️

Omg guys. Im really sorry for no updates! I thought the campground had internet... But it didnt. Plus i went hiking, and there is absolutely NO reception at the top of the mountain😂. So once again... Im really sorry!! Don't get mad. I love you all😘😘. Things are back to normal now!

Stay Nashty🏄

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