Matt (dirty)

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For: KayleeGrace09


"Matt stop it!" I yelled at my boyfriend Matt who decided today was annoy your girlfriend day. "Matt stop it!" He mimicked. "Honestly?" I questioned. "Honestly?" He mimicked. Trying to sound exactly like me. "Fine" i said crossing my arms. "Fine" he did the same exact thing. Why was he being so annoying today.

I decided that i would test him. See if he really wants to still copy me. "i hate myself" i said with a smirk on my face. "You hate yourself" he said, laughing. Man, i thought i was gonna get him that time.

"Didn't get me that time!" He laughed. "Yeah. Ha ha. Very funny" i couldn't help but actually laugh. I love Matt's laugh. Its so adorable. And contagious.

We continued laughing until our stomachs hurt. I went back to what i was doing before Matt decided to annoy me. Washing the dished. Woooo. I was in the middle of washing dishes when i felt Matt's arms wrap around my waist. "Im sorry baby" he said sincerely. I remained quiet until i figured out what i was gonna say. "Well your gonna have to make it up to me" i said turning off the sink and turning around. "Oh am i?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "You are" i said biting my lip. I knew what he wanted, and i damn well knew what I wanted.

He grabbed my hand and walked me up to our bedroom. "I guess i am" he said once we reached the bed. He laid me down and got on top of me. He kissed my neck and i giggled. What? It tickled!

His hands were roaming all over my body and once they reached in between my legs they stopped. We continued our heated heated make out session as he proceeded to take my shorts off. He slid his finger up and down me, making a small moan escape my lips. He looked at me with a grin then kissed me again. He always teased me like this and i hated it.

"Dont be such a tease" i whispered. "Fine" he answered back and slipped not one, but 2 fingers inside of me. "Better?" He asked with a smirk on his face. "Mmmhmmm" i moaned.

He continued to push his fingers in and out of me. I felt a knot in my stomach. "Matt. I think im gonna.." I moaned. He immediately pulled out and looked at me. "TEASE" i grunted. He pisses me off with that sometimes.

"You gotta wait though" he winked and pulled down his pants, and took off his shirt. He laid on top of me, and just feeling him on top of me made me horny.

He reached under my shirt and started to touch my boobs. I arched my back and he unclipped my bra, as he took that off he also took off my shirt, leaving us both completely naked. "Im sorry" he whispered kissing my neck. The warmth of his breath against my skin sent chills down my spine.

He kissed me one last time and and positioned himself, and with one brief thrust, he was inside of me, and damn did it feel good. "A bit faster please" i moaned. As his thrusts increased, so did the knot in my stomach. I knew it wouldn't take long for us to reach our highs, and it didn't. "Kayleeee" I heard Matt moan and felt him release inside of me. Thats what took me over the edge. I came undone. We rode out our highs and Matt pulled out.

"That was probably the best sex we've ever had" he said laying down next me. "So do you forgive me?" He asked one more time. "Of course i do" i said kissing his nose. "Now go finish those dishes" he said winking. "They can wait" i said snuggling into his chest, easily falling asleep.


Hope you liked it Kaylee!

This may be the only update of the day😩. Im sorry lovelies! But hey....

Stay Nashty🏄

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