Shawn (a little dirty)

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For: ItsmeKaitie


Today i was going over Carter's to hang out with the guys. We always hang out. I see them as brothers which is really cool. We're like a family i guess you could say. But there's one that really stands out to me. He's nicer than the rest, and cuter than the rest, and at times i think i have a crush on him, but know he won't like me back. Its Shawn. He's always so sweet and caring. He flirts with me A LOT. That's probably why i have mixed feelings for him. Yepp. Thats definitely the reason.

When i finally got there all the boys had been there except Shawn. "Is Shawn coming?" I asked the boys. "Ooooooo. Kaitie's crushin on Shawn!!" Screamed Nash. All the boys were screaming and i literally had to cover my ears. "CATRAAH" i heard a voice louder than the boys. "Sorry mom!" Screamed Carter. I love Carter's mom. She so funny!

I uncovered my ears and started to laugh. I heard the door behind me open and close and i whipped around. There he was. Standing there perfectly. In a pair of jeans and a grey hoodie. "Shawn!" I said running up and hugging him. "I thought you weren't coming" i said releasing the hug. "I'll always be here" he said looking into my eyes. What was that supposed to mean? I could hear the boys behind us whistling. But quietly so Carter's mom didn't yell at them again.

We came back to the boys after our little hello. We sat down on the floor while the boys "associated". All they were talking about were girl, girls, girls, and food. It didnt help that i was the only girl there, so i was constantly called hot and sexy. But it was just their joke, its annoying though.

The boys were paying no attention to me what-so-ever, so i decided to head down into the basement. This is usually my get-a-way when the boys dont talk to me. I've got all i need. Tv, food, radio, and drinks. And.... Its sound proof. Even better. Thats enough to make a grown girl smile.

I walked down the stairs and immediately turned on the radio. The first song that came on was "wiggle" by Jason Derulo. My favorite songgg.

When the beat dropped, i started to twerk. I was literally going crazy! Twerkin on everything everywhere.

"Woah" i heard a voice behind me. I screamed. "SHAWN!" I realized who it was and my face turned red. "Noo. Do it again. That was sexy" he said biting his lip and placing his hands over the front of himself. I had realized what i did and became even more red. "Pleaseee" he pleaded standing there. I waited for the beat to drop again to do it. This time with less enthusiasm because someone was watching me.

I stopped and turned around and Shawn was right there. "Wow. You'd be good in bed" he said smirking and grabbing my waist. "Shut up" i said laughing and pushing him away. "No im serious" he came back and grabbed my waist again. He looked into my eyes, and for a while we just explored each others faces. I was wondering what would happen next. But he answered my question for me.

I saw him leaning in and our lips touched softly. I started to pull away but he grabbed me and pulled me back, but this time, pushing me onto the sofa. He grabbed his shirt, pulled it over his head, and threw it across the room. I heard him moan in the slightest way, and i flipped us around so that i was on top. I straddled him, and felt as his tongue started to enter my mouth. I granted him the access, and our tongues explored each others mouths.

He pulled my shirt over my head and threw it over to where his sweatshirt was. I felt his start to caress my boobs and i let a small moan escape my mouth. He giggled and continued our kiss.

It was getting quite heated now and Shawn was back on top of me.

I heard a noise behind us and quickly turned around to see all of the boys standing there, recording us. I screamed. "How long have you been there?!" I questioned. "Long enough" said Taylor shielding his eyes. "Thanks bro" Shawn said sarcastically walking past Carter and heading back upstairs. I quickly grabbed my shirt and put it back on. "Kaitie and Shawn was gonna get it ooonnn" said Cameron, in the weird voice he uses all the time. "Shut up!" I yelled smacking him. "Ow!" He screamed. I smiled to myself and headed back upstairs, followed by the boys. For the rest of the night, they wouldn't let me and Shawn be alone together. Wtf.


Hope you enjoyed it Kaitie💕

Im soooo tireddd. Goodnight my lovelies😘.

Stay Nashty🏄

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