Taylor (dirty)

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For: hannah_black317


"Are you almost ready?!" I heard Taylor scream from downstairs. "Yeah babe!! Gimme a second" i screamed back. I was in the middle of doing my make up. Me and Taylor are getting ready to go out to dinner with all the boys. It should be fun, well as long as Taylor doesnt 'act up'. Usually he does things while we're out to eat, and we never get to dessert.

"Okay. Ready?" I said out of breath from running down the stairs. "I've been ready." He laughed as he grabbed his car keys. "Shut up" i giggled. We walked out the door, and hopped into Taylor's corvette.

We finally pulled up to the restaurant, and both came out of the car. I walked up to the door and opened it. "Thanks sexaay" Taylor said winking as he slapped my ass. "Hey!" I laughed. I followed him inside and we found the tables the boys were sitting at.

"Waaddduuppp" i yelled as i got to the table. "Ayeee. If it ain't the cutest coupled around" said Matt. "Aww Matt. Don't be a suck up" Cameron slapped his back. Ugh. I could tell this was gonna be a long night.

Me and Taylor took our seats. We were the only ones in the booth. Comfy.

The waitress came and asked us our drinks and we all told her. When she came back with our drinks, she asked us to order. "Can i get the uhh. Sea food delight please??" Carter asked kindly. "And make sure to bring him some extra Carter Sauce" Jack chuckled. Everyone at the table burst out laughing. The waitress looked rather disturbed actually. It was kinda funny. "Very funny boys" carter replied.

The waitress pointed to Nash and he spoke. "Yes um. I'll have a Camburger please. Extra bacon. And a side of Nashbrowns. Thanks" he handed her the menu like nothing and i just burst out laughing. These boys were hopeless.

We all finished ordering, and the waitress went away. All the boys were talking and joking. Taylor turned to me. "We can leave you know? Go back home. Fuck. I mean it sounds great to me" his face was serious. "Taylor!" I yell whispered and slapped him. "So Hannah. How have you been? I feel like i havent seen you in forever!!!" Jack G turned to me. "Great! How about you?" I asked back sincerely. "Great!!" "Thats good" i laughed. Ugh. I just wanted to be home right now. In bed. With Taylor. Okay fine. I admit it. Im horny, and i want him. Soooo bad. I just can't wait till we get home.

Our food was literally taking FOREVER to come out. Taylor started to become very handsy with my thighs. His hands were always moving no matter what.

"Taylor" i whisper yelled again as i felt his hand slip into my panties. "C'mon babe. Just go along with it" he smirked. He began to rub me, slowly, and before i knew it, his fingers were inside of me. "Mm" a small moan escaped my lips. Shit.

"Hannah. You alright over there?" Hayes asked concerned. Everybodys eyes were on me. "Yeah! I'm just really hungry" i moaned. "Yeah. This place does take forever" Nash agreed. Phewph. Thank god. They all continue their conversation. "Good cover up babe" Taylor kissed my cheek. "Now, i say we head home and finish what we started aye?" He smirked. "Taylor. We just can't leave like that. We didn't even get our food yet." I frowned. "Its okay! We have plenty to eat at home. Just tell them your sick our something." He came closer, his fingers still inside of me. "Ugh. Fine. Your lucky i love you" i groaned again.

Slowly, i grabbed my stomach and pretended to almost 'puke'. He's lucky im a good actress. "Oh my god!! I have yo get her home. Guys. Take this and pay for me please? I'll see you all later!" Taylor said as he rushed us out of the restaurant. "Hope you feel better Hannah!" They basically all said in unison.

We got to the car and drove off faster than you could probably say potato. We were home in the blink of an eye.

"Mm. Baby. Your so clever" he said as he threw me onto the couch and laid on top of me. "Undress babygirl" he whispered in my ear. His whispers sent chills down my spine. I pushed him off of me and stood up. Slowly, i started to undress, putting on a show for him.

"God. Your so sexy" he said getting fully undressed. "Come here" he said. I walked toward him as he lured me to the bedroom. Once we got inside, i ran in front of him and jumped on the bed. "Damn girl. Your ready" he laughed. "I know i am. Now come give it to me" i winked, grabbing his hands and bringing him closer. "Your wish is my command"

He grabbed himself and placed it at my entrance. Wasting no time, he slid himself into me. "Oh god yesssss" i moaned as he thrusted in and out of me. I tugged at his hair and pulled his bandana off, throwing it across the room. "Fuuuck" he moaned as his thrusts increased. "God Hannah, your so tight" he kissed my neck and lowered himself to where he was almost on top of me.

With every thrust, the pleasure increased. I grabbed and scratched at his back because of how intense it was. "Tayylorr. Yourr gonna make mee cumm" my moans filling the room. "Do it baby. Do it" he moaned biting his lip and thrusting faster.

Taylor's thrusts were so pleasuring at this point, that i was basically screaming at the top of my lungs.

"Taaayloor" i moaned one last time as came undone. I felt him release inside of me, and i just went crazy.

After we finished up and rode out our highs, he pulled out and laid next to me. I sat up and pulled the cover over myself. "Im exhausted" i said yawning. "Well you better get un-exhausted. Because that my love, was nothing compared to what your gonna feel next" he kissed my cheek and pulled the covers off of me. I just have a feeling we wont be going anywhere tomorrow.


Hope you liked it Hannah💖. This one took a little more time to write but i hope you liked it!

I spent all day today watching Ghost Adventures and now i'm not gonna be able to sleep. So wooo😂. Love you guys and keep voting and requesting😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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