Matt (dirty/sweet)

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For: xXAlizeXx


"How about we go to the fair?" My boyfriend Matt asked me. "YES" i screamed. We have been trying to figure out something to do for the past 2 hours. The fair seems pretty fun.

We got in the car and Matt drove us to the fair. I love the fair. The rides, the games, the music, the shopping. It was all so great.

After about 10 minutes from Matt's house, we finally arrived at the fair. "What first?" Matt smiled. "How about we get some rides done, shop, play some games, then head home?" I asked. "Sounds perfect my love" he said kissing my cheek. Every day it was a new name. But they were so adorable, how could i argue?

We headed into the fair and decided to do the carousel. After that, we did the music express, the giant slide, tilt a whirl, spinning bears, and the bumper cars. The only ride left to do was Ferris Wheel, my favorite.

We stood in line for about 5 minutes. We finally got seated and the ride started. "Alize?" I heard Matt ask. "Yeah?" I questioned, taking my attention off the rest of the fair. "I love you" he blushed. He hasnt really said that yet, but when he has, its when we goof off.

"I love you too Matt" i said smiling. I kissed his cheek, then turned my attention back on the fair. "Im not just saying that ya know. This time i mean it Alize. When i look at you, I can see us in 10 years. Your my everything. Without you i would be nothing honestly. I still get lost in your hazel eyes to this day. I just want you to know that I love you. A lot. And i will NEVER leave your side"

His words left me speechless. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. "I love you Matt" i said letting a tear slip from my eye. I kissed him. Again and again. I really did love this boy. And now i know he loves me.

The ride had ended and we walked hand and hand to the shops. I bought a few things like jewelry and clothes, the normal girl thing. It was time for games.

I walked up to the game where you have to knock down the milk cans with the ball, and pointed to the giant pink teddy bear hanging on the wall. "Of course" he giggled. I laughed and watched Matt hand the man $5 for 5 balls. He played about 3 times before he knocked down all the balls.

"What prize would you like sir?" The man asked "can i get the giant pink teddy bear please?" Matt asked in return. The man gave him a funny look so i chimed in. "Its for me" i giggled and the man looked more understanding. He handed Matt the bear and Matt handed the bear to me.

"Thanks cutie" i said pinching his cheeks. "Anything for my princess" he caressed my cheek and softly kissed my lips. The kiss got heated really quickly and i could hear the little kids as the walked by "ewwwwwwwww" one said pointing. I pulled away and giggled. "Time to go home?" He asked smiling. "I think so" i giggled.

We walked back to the car and drove home. I have to say though, Matt was reaaaalllyyy touchy in the car. His hands moved up and down my thighs, occasionally touching my high-waisted denim shorts.

We got home and i threw the bear into Matt's bedroom. Nobody was home. Just me and him. I liked it this way.

"Can i ask you something?" I asked Matt. Curious. "Of course baby girl" he replied, sitting down on the bed, then pulling me onto his lap. "How much do you love me?" I poked his cheek.

He sat there for a while with a blank stare. "Im not really sure how to answer that. More than you imagine." I looked at him and kissed his lips softly. "Well i love you more" i giggled. "Not even possible" he flipped me around so that he was on top of me.

He started to tickle me and i threw a fit. "STOP. MATT. PL-PL-PLEASE" i begged between laughs. He stopped and looked at me. He slowly leaned in, and when our lips collided, i felt the sparks that were there on our first kiss. The same butterflies and everything. I love him. I really do.

Our kisses got more and more passionate after each one. It wasnt long before our clothes were laying on the floor.

Our kisses were still passionate, yet sweet as ever. I felt Matt part our lips and sit beside me. "Whats wrong?" I asked. "Nothings wrong. I just want to make sure you really want to do this. I dont want to hurt you Alize. I really do love and respect you" his words sent chills down my spine. "I want to do this Matt. More than anything"

Without hesitation, he gently placed himself back on top of me and kissed my lips again. This time, he started to kiss my body, all the way down. Slowly, he made his way down.

"Are you ready?" He asked bringing his lips up to mine, then settling himself near my entrance. "More then ever" i was so horny right now. And i think he could tell.

Slowly, i felt Matt slide into me. The pleasure was almost unbearable. "Alize, your so wet baby" he said throwing his head back. This boy id driving me crazy.

"Harder Matt. Please baby" i said gently tugging on his hair. I watched Matt thrust in an out of me and i knew i couldnt hold it much longer. "A few. More. Babe." He moaned as his thrusts got slower and sloppier.

Here was the problem. I couldnt hold it for a few more. I released. And i soon as multiple moans escaped my lips, i felt Matt release inside of me.

We rode out our highs and Matt pulled out and sat beside me. "You good girl" he giggled and kissed my nose. "I have never seen you like that before. And honestly. It kinda turned me on" i said blushing a little. "Well then maybe i should be like that more often" he winked and i laid in his arms, shortly falling asleep.


Sorry this one took forever!!!! It was super long and kinda hard to write.

But hope you liked it Alize😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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