Matt (sweet)

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For: Jordynxox


I ran to the bathroom right after dinner. I puked it up. Everything i ate. I have a disorder. Called purging. Every day I look in the mirror unsatisfied with my appearance. So I dont really eat much, but when i do, i end up throwing it all up. Its just a habit that occurred i guess. Im not sure.

I heard a noise from downstairs but didn't think anything of it. I continued to puke up my food until the door slammed open. "Jordyn?" I heard an all too familiar voice. Matt. My boyfriend. No no no. Why did he have to see me like this. I never wanted him to see me like this. Thats why i never told him.

"Oh my god Jordyn" he ran over and cradled me. By now i was pouring tears. I dont want him to worry about me. Because im fine. This is not what i wanted at all.

"Why?" He asked me sincerely. "I dont like my appearance" i replied back, my voice barely audible. "Thats not a good enough excuse." He said. I just shrugged. Why was i doing this honestly. Besides the whole appearance thing.

"Baby. Look at me" he lifted my chin with his fingers. "I dont care what other people think or say. And you shouldnt either. You are beautiful. Absolutely perfection. I have never seen a girl like you before. Your sparkling blue eyes, your beautiful brown hair, and that smile, god that smile can light up the world. Just think about what your doing. Is it really worth it? To suffer like this? I know your strong. And i know you can get through this. For me." A single tear fell from his eyes. It wasn't until that moment that i realized how much Matthew Espinosa actually loved me.


It was a bit on the short side and im sorry! I wasnt really sure about the whole purging thing. I had to google it. Lol. But i hope this helped Jordyn! And i hope you liked it! Just remember. People can be dicks😒. But there will come a day where they will have nothing and you will have everything. So just look forward to those days😘😘😘.

Stay Nashty🏄

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