Nash and Matt (dirty)

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For: Nurulfahira


"Matthew Espinosa!" I gasped looking at my best friend half naked. "Put some damn clothes on" i laughed. "Only of you take yours off" he looked at me smirking. I stopped laughing. What was that supposed to mean? "What?" I asked, making sure i heard him correctly. "Take your clothes off" he repeated himself.

"Why would i take my...?" "Just do it, you know you want to" he said walking closer. No i dont. Wait. Do i? I mean. Matt is pretty sexy. But he's my best friend. Something about this feels wrong.

You know what. I dont care anymore. If anything, i've learned over the past few weeks that any day could be our last. So why not live like that?

"Fine" i said "but yours come off too" i said putting my hands on his chest. He stripped down to nothing and i watched him as he sat down on a chair. What had gotten into me? Whatever it is. I.... Kinda like it.

As he sat down in the chair I started to strip for him. First my shirt, then my pants which slowly came off. That left me in my lace bra and thong. I went over to the chair and sat on Matt letting him take off my bra. "Your a bad girl. You know that?" He said, lust in his eyes. I nodded yes as he threw my bra off, and started to suck on my nipples.

He started with the left and caressed the right, then moved to the right caressing the left.

"Im gonna have to punish you" he said pushing me off of him and to the bed. "Nash, come here" i heard him call. Wait Nash.....? Oh. So its that kind of party.

"Yeah. What's u... Woah" he said stopping and looking at us. "I need your help. You see. Nurul has been a bad girl, and i need your help punishing her" he said with a sexy voice. I have never ever seen Matt like this before. It was actually pretty hot. It turned me on a bit. "You bet" Nash said. The tone of his voice turned from surprised to turned on in a matter of seconds.

He undressed as fast as he could while Matt occupied me with that wonderful tongue of his. We made out for a while until Nash decided to join our fun. He came over and kissed me as Matt moved away.

Nash kissed my body all the way down to in between my legs. I watched as his tongued licked me all the way down, flicking circles around my clit, making me moan. "God your good" i whispered. I went to grab Matt's dick as Nash was busy eating me out, but Matt slapped my hand away. "'No no. Your being punished" he said

I felt a knot in my stomach and i told Nash. He quickly stopped. "Your being punished" he repeated again and winked. Matt walked to the front of me and without warning stuck his long dick inside of me. I moaned really loud which I think made Nash horny. He grabbed my boob and started to suck the nipple making everything feel 10 times as good. I grabbed Nash's dick and started to suck on it. I didnt care if i was being punished. I needed that.

Matt started to thrust harder and harder. I stroked Nash as i moaned coming undone. Then Matt came undone, and not shortly after so did Nash from my wonderful hand job i might say.

"That'll teach you not to be naughty anymore" Matt said to me. "That made me want to be even more naughty" i replied back laughing. "We'll see about that" he said gathering his clothes.

I still cant believe i did that. God am i gonna be sore tomorrow.


Hope you liked it Nurul!!!

Another threesome. I know i knoowww. Sometimes they make me laugh tho😂. Their fun to write.

Stay Nashty🏄

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