Taylor (dirty)

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For: ayoooo_its_laysh


"Ugh. Yes can i just get a vanilla bean frap" i asked the person at the counter. I was at Starbucks with the one and only Taylor Caniff. Yes him. My boyfriend. He was amazing and really fuckin sexy.

"Sure thing beautiful" the guy behind the counter was trying to flirt with me. Hah. Pathetic. I looked back at Taylor, who had already ordered, and saw that he started to get jealous. "How bout i call you sometime?" He questioned, obviously not noticing Taylor. "I'll be the only one she'll be calling for a while. Thank you very much" i felt Taylor's arms grip around my waist from behind. Man, he was jealous.

The guy told us our total and i gave him the money. He handed back the change and i denied it. "Nah. Keep the change" i said nicely. And walked to the pick up area. I looked over at Taylor and he looked furious. Why? All i said was keep the change.

We got into his Corvette and drove home (ayyyeee turn upp). The whole ride, he said not a word. Which was a little weird. He always talked to me, or even held my hand while we were driving top down. But nope, both hands on the steering wheel, and not a peep.

We finally got back to his house and i walked inside and plopped down my purse. "Whats your problem?" I turned around and ask him. "You" he spat. Wow, that hurt. "What the hell did i do?!" I said focusing all of my attention on him. "You flirted with that guy today!!" "Taylor... Are you kidding me. He was ugly as shit! How the hell did i flirt with him. All i said was keep the change, which by the way was only 50 damn cents" i half yelled. "Whatever. Your such a whore" he muttered under his breath. "Excuse me.?" I gave him a nasty look. We usually joke around like that. But hey, he's asking for it. He didnt answer. "fine then. I'll go find him and fuck him in the back of Starbucks if thats what you want!" I yell and grab my purse.

I was getting ready to head out the door. I mean, i wouldnt really do it. But still. It was payback, and he deserved every bit of it. "You wouldnt" he grabbed my arm and spun me around. Bringing me in, real close. "Who's gonna stop me?" I questioned smirking. "Me" he said pulling me in even closer. I dropped my purse and our bodies were touching. His hands rested on my bum and i looked into his eyes. "Oh really now? Are you gonna stop me from doing this?" I said and placed my hand on his growing bulge beneath me. He gave me a smirk and bit his lip. "Clever Alaysha, very clever" he pulled my hand away and jerked me around, throwing me onto the couch. "Bet you can't stop me from doing this" he said and proceeded to unbutton my pants. He slid them down along with my underwear. I pretended to stop him but then i just looked at him. "Looks like i cant" i said and bit my lip. He giggled and slowly brought his head down so that his tongue met with the sensitive skin between my legs.

"Tayyylooorrr. Yes babyy" i moaned as i moved my hips. "Your so wet" he said as he slipped two fingers inside of me, and continued to eat me out. "Yessss" i moaned as i went through my first orgasm.

He pulled himself out and stopped. He looked at me. "What?" I questioned. "Im sorry. For thinking that you flirted with him" he said sincerely. "Its okay" i said and brought him down to hug and kiss me. "No. But now i have to make it up to you" he pulled his pants down and revealed himself. Damn he was big.

"Ready?" He questioned. I nodded a yes, and watched as he slowly inserted himself into me. The pleasure was amazing when he started to thrust. Once he got faster i knew i wasnt going to last long. "Alayshaaaaaaaaa" he moaned "i think im gonna cumm" i felt his release inside of me and watched as sweat dripped down his face. The way his muscles moved really just turned me on. I couldnt hold it anymore. I came undone and moaned Taylor's name until i just couldn't anymore.

"Damn that was good" he smirked. "I know. Maybe i should flirt more often" i said winking. "Or maybe you shouldnt" he said bringing me in closely and kissing my forehead one last time.


Hope you liked it Alaysha💝

(I love your name😍)

Happy Memorial Day everyone. Forgot to say that earlier lol🇺🇸

Thank you all so much for all the votes, comments, and reads. I really appreciate it! It means a lot that you guys like my writing and all. Keep it up😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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