Taylor (a little dirty)

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For: tatummshayy


"Taylor stop it!" I yelled at my boyfriend who was splashing water on me. "Never!" He yelled, continuing to do it. Today we were at the beach with Cameron, Nash, Matt, and Carter. We usually go every weekend, but we haven't gone in forever, so this weekend it kinda just felt good and relax.

The boys had bought hotel rooms so that we would be able to stay all week. The view from them was absolutely beautiful. Especially at night.

"Fine then" i stopped splashing and started to head out of the water. "Nooo" he begged and grabbed my waist. "Then stopppp" i whined. "Fine" he agreed. We spent a couple more minutes in the water, then got out.

"I think im gonna head back to the hotel room. I need a shower" i announced to the boys. "No! Don't leave us!!" Yelled cameron. "But i really need one!" I stated. "Fine" he finally gave up. "Im coming with you!" Said Taylor, next to me. "Ughhhh. Alright alright."

We walked hand in hand back to the hotel room. "Im taking a shower" i announced one last time. "You go do that" he said laying on the bed, most likely on twitter.

I got undressed, and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and my body, and was just about to get out. I heard the door open and close but thought nothing of it.

When i went to get out, there were no towels. "TAYLOR" i screamed, knowing he did it. "Yes my love" he said coming to the door, acting innocent. "Give me my towel please" "what towel?" He said hiding my towel behind his back. "Cmon Taylor please" i begged from behind the shower curtain.

He threw the towel further away. "Oops. Looks like your gonna have to get it. Sorry" he said smirking. How was i supposed to get it without showing... Well everything. "Taayylllorrr" i moaned in disbelief. I grabbed my boob and covered my area. I slowly opened the curtain and watched as Taylor admired my body.

"STOP IT!" I yelled. Closing the curtain quickly. "No no no. Tatum. It's okay. Your... Beautiful" he stuttered opening the shower curtain. I was still holding myself. I've never let someone see my actual body before, so this was a little weird for me. "Can i have my towel now?" I asked. "Nope. Your still gonna have to go get it" he smirked. "Uggghhh".

I fully got out of the shower now, not able to cover my ass. But hey, everyone has one anyway so what does it matter. I finally grabbed the towel, and before i could turn around, i felt a stink across my ass. He had slapped me. "TAYLOR" i whipped around and threw my hands to my side. I didnt realize what i had done until i saw Taylor eyeing me up. "Wow" he said biting his lip. I quickly grabbed myself again, putting the towel over. "Tatum, c'mon babe. Your beautiful he said kissing me. He put his hands around my waist, and i felt him push up against my almost naked body.

He laid me down on the bed and looked at me. He laid on top of me and came down for a kiss. Our lips moved in unison and fit together like a puzzle piece. I felt his tongue run across my bottom lip, i easily granted him the access. Our tongues explored each others mouths. This was perfect.

"Hey. What are you two lovers doing??" I heard a voice behind me and immediately jumped up. I looked over. Cameron. "Cmon bro" taylor yelled. I ran into the bathroom and closed the door. I could hear the boys talking. "Sorry, sorry." Apologized Cameron laughing. "Yeah yeah yeah. You guys had better be gone tonight though" taylor replied. Whats tonight?

I heard the door close, an the bathroom door opened. "Im sorry babe" he said hugging me. "Get dressed, and we'll finish what we started later. I promise. But we're gonna head out to dinner with the boys" he said kissing my cheek. I nodded and got dressed.

Lets just say, the next morning i was really sore..


Hope you liked it Tatum💖. You requested 2 lol. But i'll do both!

Todays my parents anniversary so idk how much i'll be able to update. But requests should be open again soon! I have lots of catching up to do.

Stay Nashty🏄

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