Nash (dirty)

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For: OlenkaJuarez


I looked over at my best friend of 7 years, Nash, who was cuddling with his soon to be "girlfriend". Yep. He was gonna ask her out. But the thing that really stunk was that, I liked him. My best friend of 7 years, and i was in love with him. Why? I have no clue. He's just so adorable, and lovable. Seeing him with another girl actually hurts me. Why am i even here?

"Olenkaaaaa. Earth to Olenka!" I got lost from my thoughts once i heard Nash's voice. "Angie's leaving" he replied. "Oh Bye" i said waving, with a fake smile on. I really hated her honestly.

She walked out of the door and Nash came and sat with me. "Yoo" he said sitting next to me. "Hi" i said quietly. "Whats your problem?" He asked. "Nothing, nothing at all" "i know somethings wrong Olenka, i can see it in yours eyes" ugh. Why did he have to know me so well?

"Whats wrong?" He asked one more time. "Is it Angie?" I looked at him. "Of course it is" he said under his breath. "You never like any of the girls i bring home"

I just stayed silent. "Why do you do everything in front of me? Why do you always have to invite me over when theres a girl here?" I turned, curious.

"I don't really know i just..... Why do you even care?! Like, honestly, your being a total bitch right now."

What did he just call me??

A bitch?!


I kinda just stood there and stared at him. "Fine you know what. Well if I'm a bitch, i mind as well just leave" i grabbed all my stuff and headed for the door.

"No. Please Olenka. I didn't mean it like that" he begged.

"Really Nash?! Then what DID you mean?!" I whipped around and practically screamed in his face. "I don't know. I wasn't thinking. Just please don't leave"

Damn straight I'm gonna leave. He just called me a bitch.

"Why not Nash?! Why not?" He looked away then turned back. "The only reason i have other girls over is because I like you." I looked at him, so confused. "That doesn't even make any sense" i replied. "I have them over so i can take my mind off of you. I like you. A lot. And i thought that you wouldn't feel the same way. So i tried to get together with other girls to make my feelings for you go away because i know you don't like me back, so whats the use in even trying?" He stepped a bit closer and i could feel him breathing on me.

Did he really like me?

"But I do" i replied, almost speechless

"You do what?"

"I like you Nash. And i have for so long. Thats why i always got jealous when those other girls were around. I want you all to myself, because i love you"

Without any hesitation he leaned in a kissed me. It felt so right. Just everything happening. Even the little outburst we had, but it seemed to make everything better and more understandable.

He pulled away and looked me. "I want to make this up to you. I didn't mean to call you a bitch, and i don't want you to think if me as that type of guy." He grabbed my hand and laid me down on the sofa.

He took off his shirt, and short, then did the same to me.

I was a little surprised at first. I'm not so sure if i want to do this yet, but hey, its Nash I'm here with. And i trust and love him with all my heart. I put all my trust in Nash, and just let him take over.

He left a trail of kisses down my body and stopped at my underwear. He slowly pulled them off and threw them to the floor. He looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, and he leaned down and kissed my thigh. Every kiss getting closer and closer to my vagina. When he reached there, I let out a little moan.

He looked up at me, than continued what he was doing. He slid his tongue up and down my clit, which felt so good. I let out a few soft moans as he began to quicken the pace.

He slid one finger in and kept on licking. "Mmmm." He moaned. "You taste good Olenka"

Seeing him in between my legs, made me want him more and more. I looked at his lust-filled eyes as he continue what he was doing, yet adding 2 more fingers.

As he pushed each and every finger in an out of me, I moaned in pleasure, knowing that my breaking point was soon.

He pulled his fingers out, licked them, and wasted no time on sticking his dick inside of me. "God Olenka.... Your so damn tight" he moaned.

He was driving me absolutely insane.

"Yes. God. Mmmmm. Please Nash. Faster. Yess" i moaned. Damn he was good. Being here with him now, just made me forget everything that just happened, and I'm glad i did.

His thrusts started to get sloppy and he pulled out. He rubbed me until i finally came. He licked the area clean, then i started to give him a hand job.

"God Olenka. Baby. You make it feel so good" he moaned.

I felt him twitch and he came in my mouth.

"You like it Nashty" he said with a wink.

"You know it" i replied laughing.

That night we just spent cuddling, talking, and banging some more.


That was probably the dirtiest one i've ever wrote😂. Tell me what you guys thought!!

Hope you like it Olenka!!

Stay Nashty🏄

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