Jack G (dirty)

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For: KellyHodson00


For a few weeks now, my botfriend Jack has been asking me to do "the nasty". But i wasnt sure if i wanted to. I mean all of my friends tell me its great. But im just scared. I've gotten fingered before, it just never gone full out, and I'm just nervous. But i think I'm ready.

It was around 3:00 in the morning and i couldnt fall asleep. I kinda just stared at the ceiling for a while, until i heard Jacks voice. "Kelly?" He asked in his morning voice. I loved hearing his morning voice. It was really sexy. "You alright?" He asked one more time. "Yeah, just cant fall asleep, thats all" i replied "Babe, you dont have to be scared of anything, everything will be fine." I kind of just stared at him for a few minutes before i replied. "Im ready Jack. I've thought about it a lot for the past few weeks. And i know. I'm ready" the biggest smile appeared on his face. "Good" he replied kissing me.

He got himself on top of me an we were both already half naked. Me in just a shirt, and Jack in just his boxers. He pulled my shirt over my head an started to caress my boobs. He kissed my body all the way down, still caressing my boobs. He came back up and continued to make out with me. I flipped us around so that Jack was on the bottom. I was completely naked, and he still has boxers on. I broke our kiss and pulled his boxers down to his ankles. "Wow, your really eager" he laughed.

I giggled and took his length into my hands. I started to move my hand up and down and noticed how much pleasure Jack was getting out of this. "God Kelly, your good." He moaned. I continued to do that until he stopped me and flipped me around. He prepared himself and looked at me "Tell me if it hurts okay?" I nodded in agreement, eager for this to start. Now i was kind of excited.

He slowly pushed himself in and i felt a sharp pain. I gasped a little and he just looked at me. I told him i was fine and he continued. After a few seconds of getting used to him inside of me, he started to thrust. "Jaccck" i moaned. "Feel good baby?" "Mmmmhmmmmm" i moaned as he thrusted faster and harder. "Kelllyyyy. Your so tighttt" he moaned.

His moaning was enough to take me over the edge. I was basically screaming until i came undone. Not long after he released inside of me. "Keelllllyyy" he moaned one last time.

We rode out our highs and he pulled out. "How was it?" He asked smirking. "Alright" i said shrugging. I couldnt hold in my laughter. "Shut up. You know it was amazing" he still had that stupid smirk on his face. "Your right. It was" i said giggling. I kissed his nose and laid next to him, instantly falling asleep.


Hope you enjoyed it Kelly💕

My tv keeps shutting on and off and im home alone and terrified. What do i do😭😭.

Stay Nashty🏄

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