Aaron and Nash (dirty)

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For: Jordan Braxton


"Hey" i heard a voice behind me. Nash. Not only my best friend, but one of the hottest guys in school. "Meet me in the alley by the pizza shop after school. I have a surprise for you" he said whispering in my ear sneakily. "Okay" i agreed. I trust Nash with all my heart, even though this kind of scares me a little. Why does he want to meet up in an alley way? What was the surprise?

So many thoughts were rushing through my head. I was broken from my thoughts by yet another voice. "Hey Jordan. You going to the alley after school?" My other best friend, Aaron, asked me. "Yeah" i said. "Nash invited me" "good, we've got a surprise for you" he said winking and walking away. What the hell is going on? What if they try to do 'stuff' with me. I don't know. I wouldn't stop them. I mean, c'mon, their the two hottest kids in my school. Plus their my best friends. Why would't i want them inside of me?!

The last bell of the day rang and i eagerly ran to my locker, and put my books away. I was really anxious to see what this 'surprise' was.

After i had grabbed everything i needed, i headed out of the school, and to the alleyway. The pizza shop wasnt that far away from the school, maybe 2 blocks. And the alleyway was right next to it. We were always down there, playing spin the bottle, partying, and just having a good time. The good part about it though is that, nobody can hear you. The bad part is that, if you get raped, well, your screwed.

As i approached the alley, the nerves in my stomach grew. My mind still couldn't possibly think of what was going to happen. Was it going to be good? Was it going to be bad? I had no idea. All i know im gonna be in an alley way with the two hottest guys ever. Maybe i'll be in for a treat.

I walked down the quiet, some-what dark alley. All i could hear was distant horns and... Footsteps? "Hello?" I questioned, goosebumps immediately surging through my body. I knew this was a bad idea.

I started to walk towards the entrance until i was grabbed and pulled back. I screamed and kicked as loud as i could. I was helpless. Nobody could hear me.

"Shhh" i heard them speak. They let go of me "it's only us beautiful" i whipped around to see only Nash and Aaron before me. *phew*. I thought i was gonna be a goner for sure. "You guys scared me" i laughed. "Sorry" Aaron replied. He smacked Nash's arm and i watched as both of them stripped to their underwear.

"What are you doing?" I asked, but got no response. "Your turn" Nash winked. "Take off your clothes" Aaron said, following after Nash. "Why?" I questioned, curiously. "It's all part of the surprise" A smirk grew on Nash's face, and instantly i knew what this surprise was. 'Sex'. Thats what they wanted. So thats what i'll give them.

I started to take my clothes off slowly teasing them. I unclipped my bra and threw it towards them, then lastly took my underwear off, sliding them down my legs slowly. "You're killing us Jordan" Aaron wined. "Come fuck me then" i yelled.

I watched as Nash and Aaron both ripped their boxers off, and ran towards me. Nash was the first to get to me. His lips planted softly on mine, and our kiss got more passionate as it went on. "Jump" he mumbled into my neck. I hurdled myself up and on top of him. I started to grind my hips against his and watched as his head drew back. "You like that?" I asked biting my lip. "God Jordan" he moaned. "Hey hey you too. Aaron's gotta get some too" he said walking towards us.

Nash bent down, and gently laid me onto the ground. "C'mon Aaron" nash said pointing toward me.

I watched as Aaron walked towards me and got onto his knees. He bent down and before i knew it, his head was between my legs. "Mmmmm" i moaned as i felt his tongue pushing in and out of me. I watched Nash walk over to the front of me, and stuck his dick in my mouth. Without hesitation, i started to suck on it. I can't believe this was actually happening right now.

Aaron pulled away and slapped Nash's back, motioning him to take over. I watched as Nash moved away and started to place himself at my entrance. "Ready gorgeous?" He asked with lust-filled eyes. I nodded a quick yes, eager for pleasure, and watched as Nash stuck himself inside of me. I moaned loudly as the pressure in my stomach started to raise. Aaron walked around to where Nash was thrusting, and started to enter his dick into the same hole.

The pressure was increasing majorly. They were both inside of me, and just watching them made me want cum. I wasnt going to last long either. "You almost there baby?" Aaron moaned. "Mmmmhmmmm" i replied in an even louder moan. Before i knew it, i had released. I felt Aaron pull out, but Nash stayed in, thrusting away.

Aaron moved to my face and started to stroke himself. I felt Nash release inside of me, and watched a Aaron came undone all over my face. "Jordaaannn" he moaned.

We had cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. We were leaving and i turned to the boys. "Man, i wish i had surprises more often" i pouted. "We can arrange that" said Aaron with a huge smirk on his face.

And that they did. Once a month i would get my 'surprise' and it would be amazing. it got better every time.


Hope you liked it Jordan💖

Happy Mother's Day guys!! I may or may not update some more tonight/today (whatever time it is) but anywaayyy....

Stay Nashty🏄

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