Cameron and Taylor (Dirty)

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For: Katie


"Fuck me" screamed My best friend Taylor. We were recording a video together. Me him and Cam. They were really the only ones out of all the boys that i hung out with. I mean yeah we were all friends, but Taylor and Cameron were like my mains. They were the hottest too.

"Fuck meeeee" he screamed again. "SHUT UPPP" i screamed back. He was being really annoying and those were the only two words he's said in the past like 2 hours. "Can you say something different for once?" I asked him laughing. "Will you please fuck me?" He asked softly. Both me and Cameron burst out laughing. "You have problems" Cameron laughed.

We were laughing for a good 20 minutes and we couldnt resume the video at all. I watched Taylor put away his camera. "Can you take this to my room?" He asked shoving the Camera into Cam's arms. "Sure" he replied a little shocked. When Cameron finally disappeared out of sight, Taylor turned to me. "I was being serious you know" he said with a serious face. What was i supposed to say to that?

"Oh" i kind of whispered. "Yeah" he said. I looked away. It was a little awkward to have my best friend saying he wants to fuck me. But honestly, if he makes the first move, i wont argue. I've always imagines myself with Taylor or Cameron.

I looked at the floor and felt Taylor looking at me. How king could it take for Cameron to put a damn camera away. I need this awkwardness to go away.

I felt a hot breath on my neck and i turned my head to see Taylor sitting inches away. His face closer to mine then ever. I looked at him and noticed everything perfect about him. His eyes, his hair, just everything. It was then that i noticed that i had feelings for Taylor.

We stared into each others eyes for a while until i felt Taylor close the space between us. Before i knew it, we were making out and intensely.

I got closer to Taylor and started to climb on top of him, our tongues exploring each others mouths. He pulled at the hem of my shirt and i pulled it over my head breaking the kiss for only a split second, then immediately returning back to his soft comforting lips.

We continued to make out passionately me in just my bra and underwear, him in just his boxers. "Hey guys im back. Sorry i was just pooping and i........... Woah....." I heard Camerons voice behind us and jumped off of Taylor grabbing my clothes. "Oh my god" i said. Taylor just sat there laughing. What was so funny about this though? "No no no. Continue" he replied. "I'll join" he whispered under his breath. What? Did he just say what i thought he said.

Actually, i cant really complain though, the two hottest guys fucking me and on top of it their my best friends. Honestly, just thinking about it makes me wet.

I climbed back onto Taylor and continued what we left off. We continued to make out until i felt someone slip a finger inside of me. I moaned when i realized that Cam had done it. "You like that?" He asked seductively. "Mhmmm" i moaned. I continued to kiss Taylor then decided to move down. Cameron removed his finger from me and sat down next to Taylor.

They both pulled down their pants and boxers and I admired both of the lengths in front of me. I took Taylor's into my hand as i sucked on Cameron. "Kaatiiiee" he moaned. I felt Taylor grab me, so i started to suck on him. I knew by the way i was acting, they wouldnt last long. I went back to Cameron and sucked on his even more. As i massaged Taylor, i felt Cameron twitch inside my mouth. Before i knew it, he had released all over me.

"Your turn" i heard Taylor say flipping me around so he was on top of me. "Ready?" He asked. "Ready" i said biting my lip. I really just wanted him inside of me already. Before i knew it, i felt the pleasure fill my body as Taylor entered himself in and out of me.

With every thrust, the knot in my stomach grew. Cameron leaned over and started to kiss me intensely. As Taylor was thrusting, Cameron started to rub me. The pleasure was unbelievable and i knew i wouldn't last long. "TAYLLOORR" i moaned as i came undone. " katiiee" they both moaned in unison as i felt Taylor release inside of me, filling me with his warm fluid.

He pulled out and we all looked at each other. "Wow" was all i could say. They both laughed. "I wasnt expecting that to happen" i laughed again. "Us either" they said together again. We all laughed, and went back to recording the video.


Hope you liked it Katie💕

This was like amazing to write because Taylor and Cameron are just😍😍😍😍. Omg. Like yaaassss.

Stay Nashty🏄

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