Jack G (dirty)

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For: BrookieCookie506


"Thank you Miami!!" I heard Taylor scream. Shortly after, i watched as all of the boys ran back through the doors. "Good show everyone" matt clapped. "Wheres Jack?" I turned to Shawn. "Im mot sure actually. He might still be out there" he replied. I nodded him a thank you and walked off. Jack and i have been dating for 2 years now, and i've been with him through everything. Magcon and all.

"Jack?" I called out, i could hear all the girls talking still. They were in the process of leaving. I peaked out and saw that Jack was still taking pictures with his fans. He was sweet like that. That was probably one of my favorite things that he does. He makes sure he gets a picture with almost all of his fans.

I closed the door and went back into the room with all the guys. They were all screaming and yelling and i was starting to get a headache. Wonderful.

I walked over to the table to grab some water. I poured myself a glass and was about to turn around but i felt a strong pair of arms around my waist. I put the water down, as the person lifted me up and spun me around. Jack.

I giggle and grabbed his hands to push him off. But instead he kept spinning. I felt him kiss my neck. "GET A ROOM" Carter screamed. "Shut up!" I giggled as Jack put me down. "Hows my lovely girlfriend doing?" He asked "absolutely wonderful now that im with you" i replied smiling. He kissed me softly than grabbed my hand. "Want to head back to the hotel room?" He asked. "Sure.." I answered sort of unsure. I mean we usually stay at the event a little longer, than head back. But maybe he was tired, so i didnt argue.

"Guys we're heading back to the hotel room" Jack announced. The boys started whistling and howling, And Jack just basically dragged me out of the room. "What the hell?" I questioned. "Woah... What?" He asked back. "Why are you so eager to get back??" I questioned again. "Just cuz. You'll see". Well. Alright then...

I stayed quite until we got back to the hotel room. "We'd better make this quick before the boys get back" i heard him say, closing the door behind him. "What?" I asked, actually not hearing him at first. "I said we'd better make this quick" "make what quick??" This was starting to bother me. What was he talking about? "This"

He pinned me against the wall and his body pressed against mine. Finally, everything was clear. I knew what he wanted, and i was willing to give it to him. "Ohh" i said biting my lip. I watched as Jack nodded and started to take his clothes off. "I cant wait any longer" he said stripping down to nothing. I did the same, anxious to move on.

Both of us stood there in absolutely nothing. I watched as Jack admired my body. "I love you so much" he said walking up to me and kissing me. His bare body against mine. "I love you too" i kissed him back.

Our kiss got heated, and quickly. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto the bed. He laid on top of me and started to rub me. The pleasure was amazing. I loved this. Seeing Jack this way always turned me on. "Mmm" i moaned. He rubbed faster and slid a finger in. He kissed my neck and then pulled out. "Why'd you stop?" I asked giving him the puppy eyes. "Because what im about to do is gonna feel way better"

He grabbed my arms and put them above my head. He pushed himself in slowly and a small moan escaped my mouth. "Dont be afraid. Let it out baby." He moaned pushing faster and harder. I moaned louder. The pleasure increasing. "Godd. Yess Jackk" i moaned. "Broookkkeee" he moaned.

I felt him release inside of me and i couldn't hold it anymore. I let myself go, and man did it feel good.

We rode out our highs and Jack pulled out. "Damn Gilinsky. That was pretty good" i winked and picked up my clothes. "That was a rush. Just imagine if we had some time" he picked up his clothes. I looked at him. "That better be soon" i laid on the bed. "Absolutely" he laid on top of me and kissed me one last time before the boys barged in. Talk about perfect timing.


Hope you liked it Brooke💕

Well.. Wattpad did that stupid thing again where it logged me off all by itself and i lost all my history. How wonderful🔫. Whatever. At least it saved these right😊. Love you guys! Thanks for all the love and support. Its absolutely amazing😍

Stay Nashty🏄

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