Matt (sweet)

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For: baeespinoax


I giggled as i watched my boyfriend of a year try on bucket hats at the store. "This is not a laughing matter" he said with a serious face, which made me laugh even harder. Then he finally broke, and we were both hysterical.

"Can we go home now?" I asked as he tried on hat after hat. "Ughhh. If you insist" he put down the bucket hat covered in bacon and grabbed my hand. "Your such a child" i laughed and kissed his cheek. "But i love yooouu" i smiled. He kissed me back and we walked out of the mall together.

Once we got home i threw myself onto the couch, and Matt sat right beside me. "All that shopping tired me out" i said as i yawned. "You didn't even do anything! I was the one shopping" he laughed. "I know. But watching you shop tired me out" i laid down on his lap and turned the tv on. "Can we watch Ghost Adventures?!" He screamed like a little kid. "Babe. You know how much i don't like scary things" i groaned. "But i'm right here with you, if you get scared just close your eyes" he kissed my lips and held my hand. "Finnnnneeee. But only for you" i poked his nose and turned my attention toward the tv.

He turned on the episode and i did not like it already. There was some freaky shit happening, and it was freaking me out. I curled up on his lap and shut my eyes, hoping to fall asleep. I could feel him stroking my hair, and let me tell you, it is the most relaxing thing ever. I just couldn't fall asleep though. I kept hearing that creepy ass music. Ugh. Thanks Matt.

I started to doze off, but i felt Matt grab my hand and squeeze it. I was awake again, but my eyes were still closed. I felt Matt lower himself toward my ear, and started to whisper into my ear.

"Baby girl? I know your sleeping, and you can't hear me right now. But i really just want to tell you that I love you, and i mean it. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your my best friend and i can tell you anything, and everything. Your my babe, and i wouldn't trade that for the world. I love you" he pushed my hair behind me ear.

"I love you too" i said smiling. "Oh shit. I though you were sleeping" i sat up and looked at him. His cheeks were bear red. "Babe, don't be embarrassed because i can say the same thing for you. I love you Matt" i kissed him for what felt like forever.

I laid back down, and finally fell asleep, knowing that the boy of my dreams is totally in love with me. And im totally in love with him.


Hope you liked it💖. Sorry its short🙈

I've been painting my grandmoms house all fricken day and my hand is killing me😒. Keep voting and liking!

Stay Nashty🏄

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