Carter (sweet)

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For: kitkat0312


Today was me and my boyfriend Carters first date. And i was really nervous. I mean we hangout a lot, but we've never been on an actual date before. And it kinda scares me.

I got up and already started to get ready. I picked out a cute floral sundress and went into the bathroom to take a shower and checked my phone just in case i had a text from Carter. Nothing.

I put some music on and hopped into the shower. I washed my hair and my body, then turned the shower off, wrapped a towel around me, and went back into my room. I checked my phone again and there was a text from Carter.

"I'll be there in 15" it said.

15 minutes. Okay. I dried off and quickly got dressed. Then i blow dried my hair a little and just put it into a cute side braid. I put on my make up, and was ready for my date.

I had about 3 minutes left to spare so i got everything i needed and put it in my purse. I grabbed a little sweater and waited outside for Carter on my porch.

When he pulled up he got out if the car and walked up to me. "For you" he said handing me a rose. "Thanks" i said kissing his cheek. He's so generous. I love him.

We got into his car after i took the rose inside, and drove off. "So where we headed too?" I asked. "Olive Garden" he said with a smirk on his face. (Sorry if you dont like OG. But i couldnt think of anything else). He knew me so well.

Our car ride consisted of us just goofing around, singing, and even making fun of stupid songs. See, thats what i like about Carter. There's no reason to be nervous. I just have to be myself, and if he doesnt love me for who i am, than oh well.

We parked and walked up to the restaurant. "Yes, i have a reservation for Carter" i heard his say to the lady behind the booth. "Yes, follow me". He really didnt have to do all of this. This is too sweet.

The lady walked us back past all the people and into a totally different room. When she opened the doors all i saw was a table, and two chairs. But the best part was that it was all lit by just candle light. "Sit" he said pulling out the chair for me. Instead of sitting i gave him a huge hug. "You didnt have to do all of this" i said in his ear. "I know, but i did" he whispered back. I let go and finally sat down.

We ordered our food and just relaxed. Everything was literally perfect.

"Kat?" I heard Carter ask me, after i finished up taking a sip of my drink. "Yes?" I asked him looking into his eyes. They were sparkling from the candle light and god, they were just so beautiful.

"I just want to let you know that your beautiful. Not just on the outside but on the inside too. Your everything i imagine in a 'perfect' girl even though you arent. You have your flaws, but everyone does. And honestly, your flaws make you look even more perfect. When i look into those beautiful brown eyes, I just get lost in my thoughts. Your everything i want, and everything i need. Kat, I Love You."

He loves me? That was the first time he had ever said that.

A single tear left my eye. I jumped up out of my seat and ran over to Carter who had just stood up. I jumped into his arms and he caught me. "I love you too Carter. To the moon and back" i said kissing him.

That night we spent enjoying each other's company. It was really a wonderful first date!


Hope you liked it Kat💕

Guys. Omg i am so sorry for no updates😭. I feel so bad! I've let you all down😔. But i'll make up for it. Expect one or two tonight and lots tomorrow😘. My play just ended so i've got more time on my hands now.

Stay Nashty🏄

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