Hayes (sweet)

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For: Adrianna_Blaine77


My parents were on a business trip, so my best friend Hayes told me i could stay at his place for a few days.

I packed everything i needed. Toothbrush, clothes, just everything.

When i finally got there i was really excited, but also nervous.

I liked Hayes. A lot. But we were just friends. Thats all. Nothing more. I mean yeah that kinda upsets me. But we've been friends since like birth.

"Hey Adrianna!" I heard his welcoming voice when he opened the door.

"Hey Hayes" i said giving him a hug. God. I love his hugs.

"You can go put your stuff in my room, then come back down here. We're gonna have a picnic outside." He seemed so excited. But a little nervous too. Hmm. I wonder why?

I did what he told me, and put everything in his room. Well. I kinda just threw it in there. I would fix it later. I was just pumped for this "picnic".

I raced back down the stairs and saw Hayes waiting for me by the front door, with a basket and a blanket. "Cmon!" He yelled. I ran over and out the door, closing it behind me.

We sat out on the front lawn just eating and enjoying ourselves. We talked for a while. Just about stupid stuff like school, and our favorite fruits and stuff.

Hayes stops and just looks at me. "What?" Is there something on my face or something? "You dont know?" He questioned. Wait what?? Im so confused.

"No...." I replied, scared to find out. "You really dont know" he stated.

I shook my head. Was i supposed to know.

"Can you just.."

Before i could finish, i felt Hayes warm lips on mine. Wow. Did that really just happen?!

"I love you Adrianna. And i have for as long as i can remember."

He looked at me and kissed me again.

"I love you too Hayes" and i really meant what i said.

I was in love with my best friend.


Hope you liked it Adrianna!

This was probably my last one for the night. Im gonna be updating again tomorrow! Im almost caught up on them so requests should be open again soon. Hopefully💕

Stay Nashty🏄

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