Taylor (dirty)

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For: linzbabe


"Please Taylor, just listen to me. It wasnt my fault!" "BULLSHIT!" He screamed cutting me off. I have never seen Taylor this angry before and honestly, im a little bit scared. "YOU WERE ALL OVER HIM" he screamed again. "Taylor. Please just hear me out. I was drunk, i had no clue what i was doing. It wont happen again, i promise" i had started to cry. I never meant for this to happen. I shouldnt have went to the stupid party anyway.

He looked me in the eyes. "How could you do this to me?" He asked relaxing a little bit. "I loved you" loved? "Taylor. I love you more than anything. That guy came onto me, and was just desperate and lonely. I missed you and i tried to think he was you, but he wasnt. I want you and only you. Please baby" i said crying even harder.

He walked over to me and raised his hand. Was he really going to hit me? Before i could process what was happening, i felt him take the hair covering my face, and tucking it behind my ear. *phew*. He kissed me. "You were thinking about me?" He asked. "Of course Taylor. The only reason i did it was because i was drunk and i missed you and.." Before i could finish he smashed his lips against mine. "Shhh" he said biting my lip. "Im gonna show you how much better i am than that stupid ass prick"

He ripped off his shirt and mine too. He laid me down and got on top of me, slowly pulling my shirt over my head. He kissed my body all the way down to my shorts. He unbuckled them slowly and pulled them to my ankles. He kissed my inner thighs. "You like that?" He asked after a small moan had escaped my mouth. I nodded my head yes as i bit my lip.

He continued to kiss my thighs, then slowly, teasingly, started to rub me through my panties. "Tayyyylooorrr" i moaned. I watched as the smile on his face grew. He obviously knew how much he was teasing me, and he enjoyed watching this.

He stopped and came back up kissing me passionately. He unclasped my bra and threw it across the room, then proceeded to caress my boobs. He kissed my body all the way down again and slipped my panties off throwing them off to the side with my bra.

"Im gonna make you feel so good baby" he said biting his lip. He dug his head between my legs, and a load moan escaped my mouth. "MMMM" i moaned. "Pleaaaseeee Taylorr" i moaned yet again. He slipped one finger in and started to pump it. His tongue ran circles around my clit, giving me the immediate feeling if pleasure.

He pulled his finger out after a few more pumps and looked me in the eyes. "Are you ready?" He asked. I bit my lip again. "Pleassee" i moaned.

He turned around, pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles, then stepped out of them kicking them to the side. He turned back around, revealing his long, hard, dick. The sight of it just made me wet.

He walked over and positioned himself so that he was comfortable. When he found the right spot, he pushed himself in without hesitation. I moaned really loud and could tell the Taylor was enjoying this. "Lyndseeey" he moaned. Just his moans could take me over the edge.

He pulled out, flipped me around, and entered himself inside again. This time, the pleasure was so much better. I was on my hands and knees facing the wall. I felt Taylor grab at my hair and lightly tugged on it. "Taaayyloorr. Babyy im almostt theree" i moaned. "Jussst a couplee moree" he moaned and soon after came undone. I couldnt control myself. I felt his warm fluids coursing through my body and it took me over the edge. I released also.

We rode out our highs and he kissed my forehead and he pulled out. Our bodies, covered in sweat.

"How was that?" He asked with a smile. "Perfect." I replied back. "Better than that prick?" He asked again. "Most definitely" i giggled. He kissed my forehead again and we fell asleep in each others arms.


Hope you liked it Lyndsey💕

Omggggg. Guys. Why cant i just marry Taylor already? He makes me wanna crawl up in a corner and cry bc i cant have him😭

Stay Nashty🏄

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