Jack G (sweet)

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For: Strawberrycake1019



"I just want you to stop flirting with every girl you lay eyes on Jack. Its not fair to me!" You scream at the top of your lungs in the hotel room. "Stop being so overprotective Cassie. Seriously." Overprotective? Your not overprotective. Just insecure and jealous. Seeing all those beautiful girls around him made you think. Why me? Why did he choose me?

"OVERPROTECTIVE?! Okay. Whatever. You know what Jack. Im done. I cant take this anymore." You grab your stuff and storm out of the room. Tears are pouring out of your eyes as you race down the hallway in search for the elevator. As the bell dings, you see Jack running down the hallway.

"Wait Cassie. Please Im sorry. I-I love..." "Save it Jack" you cut him off. You hopped in the elevator and press the lobby button.

Jack POV:

"Dude. What just happened?" I hear Cameron say behind me. "Nothing.. Get away" i cant stand them being so nosy sometimes. Its fucking annoying. "Just tryna help man. Just tryna help." I heard the door shut and i dropped down on my knees crying. I just lost the most important thing in my life to the stupidest thing. Was i really flirting with those girls? Probably. But what i said was not true at all. Cassie isnt overprotective. She loves me a lot, and i love her a lot. Why would i even say that?

I got up off the floor and went bak into the hotel room. "You alright there Jack?" Matt questioned as soon as i walked in. "Yeah...... No man. Im not. Cassie just left me. And i feel like my heart was just ripped out of my chest. I need her back" i broke down crying. She was my everything.

"Its alright. We'll help you. Right guys?" Matt asked them all. "Yeah!" They all screamed. "Thanks guys! Now c'mon. We gotta go find Cassie. And quick" after i said this all the boys jumped up and ran out the door. I hope she hasnt gone too far... And i hope its not too late.

Your POV:

Your so upset and you dont have anywhere to go. You start to walk to god knows where to. You dont know where your going yet, but you'll figure it out.

You reached a turn off which led to the highway. You didnt want to walk the highway, only cause you didnt want to get killed. So you sat on the bench and broke down crying. You had no where to go. No one to hold you in the most desperate time. Just then, you hear a car roaring down the street, which then screeches to a stop. Cameron gets out of the driver side, and Shawn gets out of the passenger side. You cant see into the back. But it doesnt look like there is anyone back there.

You start to ask what they are doing here but then you hear your favorite song. Half a Heart by: One Direction (sorry had to pick a cute song☺️) being played by Shawn.

As the song ends you look over to the back of the car an see Matt appearing holding a letter. He hands you the letter and you start to read it "Baby, i am so sorry and i will love you till the end of time. Losing you for just those few minutes that i did, tore my heart to shreds. I promise i will change. I love you Cassie"

You looked up with tears in your eyes, and realized that all the boys had assembled into a perfect line. Cameron, Matt, Jack. J, Carter, Aaron, Shawn, Taylor, and Nash.

"One more chance?" They all said in unison.

Just then you see Jack appearing behind all of them. The line spreads evenly and you see his full apparition. "One more chance?" He says handing you a rose. "Of course. But no more" you say pecking him on the cheek. "No more" he repeats.


Wasnt my best but there ya go☺️. Hoped you guys liked it!

Remember if you want a personal to inbox me or comment. Thanks guys!

Stay Nashty🏄

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