Matt (dirty)

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For: eleanor_espinosa


I was sitting in my living room with my boyfriend Matt and we were having a Disney Movie Night. It was amazing so far and i couldn't ask for anyone better. He was absolutely perfect. Just everything he did was amazing. And perfect. No words could describe my love for him.

"I love this part!" He screamed as i saw the 7 dwarves pop up on the screen. "High Ho, High ho, High Ho, High Ho, High HOOOOOOO." Matt sang along. "Oh my goodness. What am i gonna do with you?" I laughed and looked at him. "What. I love this movie" he said laughing.

"Im gonna go take a shower" i said walking up the stairs. "Okay babe. Have fun" he said winking to me. What the hell was that supposed to mean?

I walked up the stairs and into the bathroom. I got into the shower. All i could think of was Matt. He really is perfect. I started to touch myself. It felt so good. I moaned Matt's name a couple of times. God i hope he didn't hear me. I realized what i was doing. And i stopped.

I finished washing up and hopped out if the shower. I wrapped a towel around me and walked into my bedroom. Matt was sitting on my bed.

"Jesus Matt, you scared the living crap out of me" i yelled after i practically had a heart attack.

"Sorry babe." He said. "But i heard you moaning my name in the shower" he confessed.

Oh god. This isnt good.

"But i wasnt. I was just...." Thats all that came out until Matt stopped me. "Shhhh" he said. "I could make you moan it louder" he ripped the towel off of me and pushed me onto my bed.

"Your gorgeous" he whispered in my ear. He pulled his shirt over his head, and his pants and boxers down.

"My god Eleanor.. Look how wet you are" he said. "I was in the shower stupid" i replied back, being smart. "I know. But still. Damn girl"

He wasted no time at all and placed himself at my entrance. He was right when he said i was going to be moaning his name louder because man did this feel good.

"god Matt. So good. Mmmm" i moaned. "Thats right baby. Moan my name" he said thrusting faster, hitting my g-spot ever so often. "Maaaaattt" i moaned, so close.

Not 10 seconds later i released. "God Matt. You were right" i said smiling. "Told ya so. Now. Come downstairs and finish watching Snow White with me. I paused it" he winked, got his clothes back on, and walked down the stairs.


This one was a bit short. Im sorry😔. But anyway. How is everyone doing? Im so tired but i cant fall asleep. Don't you hate that?! Ugh.

Hope you liked it Eleanor!!😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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