Hayes (dirty)

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For: izabellalovesniall


"I love you" said my boyfriend Hayes snuggling closer to me. It was about 1:00 in the morning and we both couldn't fall asleep. We've been talking for about 4 or 5 hours now. And i realized something. I really do love Hayes. He is the love of my life and i wouldn't change the world for him. "Im ready" i said releasing a breath. "Alora, are you sure? I don't want to pressure you into anything" "I am absolutely positive" i said looking into his eyes.

He said nothing. He climbed on top of me and instantly started to kiss me. I was so ready for this. At least i think i am.

I've let Hayes finger me before, i've just been really afraid to go full out. But you know what, you gotta go big or go home.

We were full on making out now, our bodies grinding up against each other. This felt so good. I felt Hayes wiggle my pants to my ankles. Wow, he was quick. I felt him start to rub over my clit. The familiar pleasure building up. "Mmmm" i moaned as Hayes slipped in one finger. I mean if i enjoyed this, i would enjoy full out... Right?

His fingers pushed in and out of me. "Your so wet" he moaned, curling his fingers pushing faster and harder. "Mmmm" i moaned, louder this time. "I want you" i moaned again. He looked into my eyes as he pulled his fingers out. "I thought you'd never ask".

He pulled his shirt over his head, and his pants down faster than i've ever seen him do anything before. I watched in awe, as his length fell out of his pants. "Like what you see?" He asked smirking. "Mhmm" i moaned grabbing it anxiously. "God Alora. Look what you do to me" i admired his rock hard dick. "Sorry" i said smirking.

I went down and started to suck him. I watched him as he grabbed my hair and pushed my head forward so more would fit in. Sometimes i gagged, but how could i help it? That thing was huge!

I finished sucking Hayes and stood up. I went back to his lips and began to kiss him again. "Im ready" i said one more time, reassuring him and myself.

He pushed me onto the bed. "Your lucky no ones home" he whispered in my ear, nibbling on it. I arched my back slightly and a small moan escaped my lips. I threw my shirt off along with my bra, and i readier than ever.

He kissed my body all the way down then grabbed himself. "Tell me if it hurts. I'll pull out" he said looking me in the eyes. I nodded, and watched as he placed himself at my entrance. He slowly pushed himself inside and it didnt feel too bad. At first. Once he was all the way in, he stopped. "You okay?" He asked. "Perfect" i said smiling, and breathing heavily. He started to thrust and the pain was awful. The feeling was uncomfortable at first, but once i got used to it, i was fine.

The pain quickly turned into pleasure. "Faster Hayes" i moaned loudly. His pace quickened. Im glad im doing this actually. The pleasure is absolutely amazing, and im with Hayes. Thats all that matters.

We both moaned each others names, and i started to notice Hayes thrusts getting sloppy. "Alllooorrraaaa" he moaned as i felt him release inside of me. The warm fluid coursing through my body threw me over the edge. "Hayyeeesss" i basically screamed, cuming undone.

He got a few more thrusts and he pulled out. "How was that?" He asked laying next to me. "Amazing" i said kissing him. "Thank you".

After that, we had both finally fell asleep. He was so perfect.


Hope you liked it Alora💖

Im going camping this weekend and that means free wifi. Soooo that means more updaatteesss😍😍. Look forward to that!!

Stay Nashty🏄

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