Taylor (dirty)

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For: MrsCarterReynoldsDuh

*before you read just know that i had to make up a name. Sorry if you dont like it or something. Lol. But enjoy*


I knocked on the front door of my boyfriends house. He hasnt answered his phone in days and i cant get ahold of him. Im actually starting to get a little worried. "Brian??" I called and knocked.

No answer.

Ugh. I checked to see if the door was unlocked. Wow. What do you know. It was. I entered his house and called his name again. "Brian?? Hello?" I called. I could hear noises upstairs but i didnt quite know where they were coming from. It sounded like. His room?

I walked up the stairs slowly and listened to the sounds as they got closer. They sounded more and more like moans, but i took the worse out of my head. I walked up to his door.

"Yesss brian. Oh goddd. Please" i heard moans from a girl. It couldnt be. No. He was always a dick.

I opened the door to see my boyfriend on top of another girl. I didnt have any words to say. He looked up and pulled away. "Payton. I-I" he said walking towards me. I couldnt believe him. Why did i EVER pick him over Taylor. I ran away as fast as i could. And where did i run you might ask? To the only person i can trust. The only person i love from the beginning. Taylor Caniff.

Taylor was always so nice to me. He was sweet, so funny, and also one of my best friends. But why did i pick dick faced Brian? Ugh. I really hate my bad decision making. I really do.

I ran straight to Taylor's house and hoped that he was home. In all honesty. I just want him. I want him more than ever. I just want him to kiss me, and make love to me, and just be able to call him mine.

I knocked on his door like a maniac, until a sleepy Taylor answered the door. "Payton..? What are you doing here. Its late and.... What the hell. Whats wrong?" He asked noticing my blood shot eyes. "Was it Brian. I swear to fucking god that i will beat his ass" i shut him up by kissing him.

Nothing has ever felt so good before. The way our lips moved in sync. The way he grabbed me, the way my fingers moved through his bed head. It was just absolutely perfect. "Woah. Whats going on?" He asked pushing me away. I groaned slightly and explained everything to him. "Taylor you mean the world to me, and I'm sorry that I'm just realizing it now. But seriously right now. I just want you. I want you to make love to me and to hold me and i want to fall asleep in your arms knowing that I'm safe and not with some stupid prick" i started to cry again because i was nervous.

He just looked at me for a while. I guess he was analyzing what was happening. I just hope he isn't mad. "Taylor?" My voice was shaky and i was on the verge of crying again. I didnt need to loose my best friend too. Im such a fuck up.

"Taylor please answer me" he said nothing, but instead he closed the small space in between us. The familiar fireworks from a few moments ago were back. "I love you. I always have and i always will." He whispered in my ear, sending chills down through my body. "Please" i whispered, in want of him. But he was already ahead of me. My pants were to my ankles and his shirt was off.

He cupped my breasts and kissed me repeatedly. "I've wanted to do this for so long." He smirked. "I've wanted you to do this for so long" i giggled a little as he left a trail of kisses down my body. He slowly pulled down my under wear, and lowered his head down to my sensitive skin between my legs. He went to town. The way his tongue moved, i will never forget it. This was amazing. He was amazing. Just every damn thing was amazing at this point. Not a dot, not even a speck of Brian in my head.

"Tayloooor" i moaned. Im getting there baby. He said as he pulled away and came back up for a kiss. We kissed passionately and i eagerly slid off Taylors pajama pants and admired his length. I pumped it a few times then just looked at him. I mouthed please again and he knew what to do.

He laid my back and slowly inserted himself inside of me. "Ohhh goddd" i moaned as he slipped easily into me. He thrusted and each one gave me more and more pleasure. "Paaytton" he moaned as he continued to thrust faster and faster. "Tayyyloorrr. Im gonnnaaa" before i could finish my sentence i released and Taylor just looked at me. His face was more pleased than ever as he released inside of me.

After we finished, and rode out our highs, he pulled out and sat next to me. "I love you Payton. And i hope we can be happy together, forever. Be mine?" He looked into my eyes with those beautiful caramel eyes of his. "How could i say no? I love you too" i said kissing his lips. He kissed my forehead and i fell asleep in his arms. He really was a life changer. And im glad he is in mine.


Hope you liked it Payton❤️

So umm. My crush just told me that someone sucked his 😁😁😁😁. How the hell am i supposed to like respond to that?? Omg. Im so like. Idk what to feel. Annyywaayyy. Stay beautiful my lovelies😘

Stay Nashty🏄

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