Chapter 1

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It's a warm and sunny day on Gravity Falls. After a really long trip, you finally arrived at Gravity Falls. You come to Gravity Falls with your mom, to visit and stay with your grandmother. Your father didn't join you two to come to Gravity Falls, because he's busy doing his job.

A small isolated old house stands there. That's your grandma's house. "Grandma! I miss you!" you scream and hugging her. It's been so long, you really missed her.

"well hello [y/n], hello [your mom name]!" said granma.

After greeting and have a little chat with your granma and mum, you pick up your bag and run to upstair excitedly and put your bag to your old bedroom that used to be your bedroom when you visited her and stay overnight. It's smaller than you remember when the last time you're here. You take a nap because You feel tired after the long trip.

--time skip--

You're awake and see the time now, it's 6:00 PM. You come downstair, and see your mom and your grandma cooking in the kitchen. 'hmm.. smells really good' you hummed.

"what are you cooking for dinner, mom?" asked you. "hainamnesse rice with roasted chicken. hey [y/n] could you go to the grocery store to buy soy sauce and pepper?" asked your mom.
"sure" you answered
"here's the money" she gave you the money.

You are walking to the grocery store. The town is very quiet.
Suddenly, the wind blow hard, the trees began to shake, your body is shaking because of the cold wind, you forgot to bring your jacket with you. And you hear a voice, "help me...."(in a whispering tone) you hear the voice twice or maybe more times. You're scared with that voice, and speed walking to the grocery store.

--time skip--

After buying the things you need, you're walking back home. The sky is getting darker.
you already forgot about the whispering voice that bother you before.
Suddenly, you hear the same whisper voice again.
You become scared and panic, and you start running nowhere. You didn't realize that you run into the forest.

You tripped and fell. Your groceries scattered. You get up and picked the groceries, you realize that you're lost.

You heard the voice again, this time is more loud. Then you look around, you noticed something behind a long bushes.
'I think the voice is coming from that' you think. You appoach to the long bushes and go behind it.

You see a triangle shape statue, half of the body part is burried. the hand of the statue sticking out like want to shake somebody's hand(you don't know what statue is it, or why there's a statue in the forest near Gravity Falls). Then you look around and nobody's here. And the voice appear again louder and it sounds heard from the statue. "Hello? Is anyone there?" you asked. "hello??" you asked again. And No answer.

Then you realize that you're wasting your time, you're lost, and your mom will be worry soon. 'I must go back as soon as possible, but how? I'm lost.... Calm yourself [y/n].. you can find the way home... you'll just need to walk from here and find people then ask them' you calming yourself.

You look down to your foot, and realize that your shoelace is untied. Then you hang the grocery bag to the statue's hand, so you can tie your shoelace. And...

"Hey! Do I looked like a hanger to you, kid?!" an angry whispering voice again. You shocked and immediately pick your grocery from the statue. "W-Who's there?!" you stated and look around cautionly, your eyes widening, your body become shaking and sweating. "yes it's me!" the voice answered. And you turn around and facing the triangle statue. "Show me yourself... I-Is that you, statue?" you asked and confuse. "Yeah, it's me. And by the way, don't call me statue again! I have a name!" the voice answered. You shocked because the statue can talk. "Hey, don't you just stand there, kid! Help me out, kid! Shake my hand so I can be free from this statue form." The voice asked harshly. "Why should I help you? You're just a stranger and how can I trust you? By the way, don't ask like that again it's so harsh!" you crossed your arm over your chest(you are a little bit sensitive girl). "okay okay.. Sorry.. Relax kid, I'm not going to hurt you or else, I just wanna be free from this form, that's it." the voice said. "Okay I'll help you, but... can you help me find the way out from these forest cause I must return home ASAP?" you asked. "okay. Deal?" the voice asked. "Deal"

Author's note :
Hi!!!! So this is my first story that I made. Sorry for the bad English, I try to do my best with the spelling
Hope you all enjoyed my story! ♡

By the way, the reader's age is 18 y.o.

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