Chapter 15

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It's a nightmare...

It felt so real...

You sitdown on your bed, stayed stiff, you're speechless for what just happen. Tears begin to fall from your eyes.

Then Bill appear beside you and hug you. You hug him back tightly, and you're crying. While hugging you, Bill pat your head. Bill knows that you were afraid.

"I-I'm.... scared..." You said it hastily. "There.. there.. It's okay, I'm here.." Bill calm you down. "I-it.. felt.. S-so real" You said again. Bill grab your face gently to face his while you still crying. "It's okay [y/n]... I'll be here with you.. I'll always be with you, okay?" Bill smiled. You nodded slowly.

After you calmed down, you stopped crying. Then Bill explains about the Witch demon who stalk you. "I didn't see any mistake you made to him, and I don't know why he's after you" Bill said. "But I think he's been working with Danny and Shira, the lust demon. They must be working together to get something from you, [y/n]" Bill continue. "But the last thing I heard from him is: he will use me as a bait, what was that suppose to mean anyway?" You confused. "I don't know.. But we better beware" Bill suggested. You nodded slowly.

--time skip--

You visited Dipper and Mabel at the Mystery Shack, while Bill were at the Dreamscape.

Bill POV

Now I'm at the dreamscape, I wanted to investigate about [y/n]'s dream problem. I went to the lust demon's house on the dreamscape to find out. I thought Shira was the easy person to be deceive.

Shira was so happy when I visited her, her lust smiled make me wanna puke. I tried to be more attractive and be lust like her, so she won't know my purpose to visit her.

Shira push me to the corner, and suddenly kissed me. I tried to push her away from my body, but geez.. she is strong too. She laid me down and kept kissing me.

Your POV

You now were chatting with Mabel, Dipper and Ford at Ford's lab under the Shack.

"I wonder what Bill's doing right now.." you mumble. "what did you said [y/n]??" Mabel asked. "N-nothing! I-I need to go to the bathroom" you said hastily. You ran into the bathroom.

'Hmm.. now how to call or to see Bill..?' you look at the mark at your hand that Bill gave you. Suddenly you just close your eyes and imagine about Bill. It work!

You saw Bill and a girl lied on the floor, they were kissing. You saw Bill kissed back the girl and he wrap his arms around the girl's waist.

You stand there and Bill saw your shadow, and he almost puke. You quickly open your eyes and get out from the bathroom. "H-hey guys! I forgot! I-I need to help my mom this evening! b-bye!" You said it hastily and cover your sad face with your hand. Then, you leave the Mystery Shack quickly.

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