Chapter 32

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Someone POV

It's 3:27 AM, Ford still in his lab since that accident happen where we were all trapped on the dreamscape, trying to fix(cure) his (ex)friend. Bill's body sprawled lifelessly in front of him. He is not getting any better since the time Ford started to cure Bill. Ford is starting to get tired and feel sleepy. But he won't give up to help his (ex)friend, he kept reading to look for answer.

In the shady silent lab room, Ford fell asleep. I emerge myself in front of Bill's body. 'hello friend. Don't worry you are in good hands' I smirked evily.


Your POV

The next day.

"good morning [y/n]" Dipper greeted you. Dipper was sitting on the chair table while reading Ford's Journal 3. You were just walk downstairs. "Mornin" You replied.

You walked to the kitchen, took a cup, and pour a warm water in it. Then, you walked to the table and sat on the chair in front of Dipper.

You were sipping your warm water a little bit. 'Tell him what you really felt abou him!' Your mind keep chanting that from the first time you saw Dipper this morning.

"So... U-uh.. You wake early this morning..?" you said nervously. 'why can't I just say it!' you mused. "Haha I'm always early" Dipper replied. "Oww.. Hahaha.. it's so quite right now.." You said. "Probably they slept late and will wake up late too" Dipper said. "Haha yeah maybe.." You replied.

Then a silence strikes. "So.. Reading that journal 3 again?" You broke the silence. "Yep! I'm just reading some random pages" Dipper explained. "Oww haha sorry for keep asking and bothering you" You said. "No it's fine to me" Dipper smiled.

A footsteps were heard from the back of the house or maybe from downstairs. "Someone's coming" Dipper noticed.

A male figure appeared. This male figure is wearing a yellow tuxedo with a black hat, the tuxedo is covered with a dried blood. His steps still a little unbalanced and he almost fall down. His face has no expression or flat.

"Bill?" Dipper said. "Bill?!" You instantly stood up and starting to walk slowly towards Bill. He's about to fall and you quickly hold his body. "Are you feeling okay?" You grabbed his arm. Dipper followed you, he is grabbing Bill's other arm. You and Dipper lead him towards the chair that you sit down before. Bill sat down.

"Bill? Are you okay?" You repeated your question again and looked him in the eye. "...W-who's.. Bill...? And... Who are you?" Bill replied in a flat tone.

"W-what..? You are Bill, B-Bill Cipher.." You replied. You started to get worried. He didn't response. "And I'm [y/n] y-your-" Tears began to appear in your eyes. You couldn't believe that Bill, the one you loved, forget about his self and especially about you. "Maybe he needs more sleep [y/n], maybe he haven't fully recovery" Dipper calmed you.

Suddenly, a faster steps were heard. "Have you seen- Ohh he is here" Ford appeared. "Are you already Feeling better Bill?" Ford came closer to Bill and then he checked Bill's wound. "He's cured. But.. how? Last night I was checking on him, he was still in a bad conditions" Ford said. "He is a demon remember? Maybe he cured his self" Dipper gave an opinion. "Hmm maybe.." Ford put his finger on his chin, posing like thinking.

Ford and Dipper were arguing about how did Bill cured. Your heart Felt hurt, realizing that Bill forgot about you. You looked at the demon beside you, you looked at his yellow fade eye and it makes you cry even more.

Bill POV

*In the dreamscape*

I'm awake in an empty room with one door, and it's locked. I can't get out. I can't use my power too here, what is happening here. My body doesn't glow. 'There is something keeping me in, I can't get out!'

Author's note:
Sorryyy for the late update! :""
Enjoy! \(QwQ)/

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