Chapter 11

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"Danny?" you mumble.

"Danny how did you get into the dreamscape??" you asked him. "How did I get here does not matter. By the way, [y/n] you look so beautiful" Danny praised you, and blush too. You blush and speechless.

"So, I'm here to-" Danny snapped his hand and you suddenly sleeps. Danny hypnotized you and you didn't realized. Danny grin, he carry you.

"Quick! here!" the demon commanded to Danny. Danny nodded. He run away with the mysterious demon, while carrying you.

Bill POV

I pull my hand off her, but she kept forcing me to go with her. "Shira No" I said it harshly and stop my steps. "Aww come on, what happen to my old Bill?? You used to be fun" Shira said. Then I ignore her and go back to to the ball room to search [y/n].

I went to the food and drink bar, but there's no sign of [y/n]. 'where is she?' I muse. 'oh yeah I remember! I can track her down' I muse again. Then I closed my eye, I imagine about [y/n], and yes it works! I can see trought her marked hand that I gave her a few days ago, she was carried by a person, and they go away from here, I think they wanna go out from the dreamscape. I open my eye and run to find her.

There they are! I saw them still running. There are two people, one that carry [y/n], the other one lead the way. I run faster. "Hey!! Stop!!" I scream loud. They looked at me while running, and the one who lead the way, snapped his finger and a portal opens. They quickly jump and before I can reach the portal, it quickly dissapear. "AHH DANG IT!" I cursed.

I snapped my finger and teleported away back to the reality, Gravity Falls.

I teleported to every place on Gravity Falls, but no sign of her. I start to close my eye again and try to find [y/n]. 'I can't track her again, ah, what's wrong with me?!' I muse and try to keep concentrate.

Your POV

You opened your eyes slowly and feel a little dizzy. You realize that you were pass out and now, you saw Danny's face above yours. Danny carried you and he is running.

"Danny??! what are you doing?? what happened?!" You screamed and made him stop his steps slower. "No time to talk, you must go with me!" He exclaimed.

You're trying to loosen his grip while Danny tries to keep his grip. Finally you're free. You fell down but instantly stand up. Danny instantly grasp your hand so you won't run.

"Let me go!! What is wrong with you, Dan??!!" you scream. "You must come with me!! no matter what!!" he said. You struggle and his grip is getting tighter.

You punch his face. "AHH!" Danny screamed and let go of his grip. You instantly run, and someone block your way. "No no sweety, you can't go anywhere~" the demon said. Without  words, you punch him. But he quickly dodge it and push your body hard. You fell down. You quickly get up, but Danny quickly wrapped his arms around your body tight. "ARGHH! Let me go!! What's your problem with me??!" You struggle, but no use.

The mysterious demon then change his form to a gigantic scary creature and with only one hand, he grab and squeeze your whole body until you stifled. "AHH!!!" You hardly breath too. 'Bill... help.. me...' You muse. Your body became weak and you almost pass out.

"Hey, hey! Careful! Don't hurt her.. please..!" Danny plead. The demon look to Danny fiercely, but he loosen his grip a little.

Author's note :
So the demon with Danny's named is Zinthos. He is a witch demon(I made that :P)

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