Chapter 2

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You shake the statue's hand. And a blue flame appear in it's hand. The statue started changing magically, turn into a yellow triangle with one big eye, a black bowtie under it's eye, and a black top hat. And also it float/fly. "Whoa!" You are amazed by the transformation is so magical, but you're not scared.

"Thankyou, darling!" it bow to you. "The name's Bill, and you?" he glance to you. "[y/n], [y/n] [l/n]" you answered.
"Nice to meet you [y/n]! Alright, let's get out from this forest." he said to you. "okay" you reply. Bill lead you the way, he's floating above you.

The sky is already dark, you realize that you've been in that forest almost 30 minutes. You're a little bit afraid of the dark. Bill realize that you're afraid of the dark(he reads your mind), then he transform himself into his human form, his hair is golden yellow, and he wear a black eye patch to his left eye and also wearing a yellow tux. He do this so he could walk by your side and you won't feel afraid anymore.

You an Bill walking together, he walk by your side, and while talking with him.
"Whoa! How'd you do that?! Are you somekind of sorcerer or something?" you were amazed. "I know you're a little bit afraid of the dark, so I turn into human so you won't be afraid anymore" he said with a soft voice.   You blush lightly. "Hey you haven't answer my question before." You try to cover your flustered face. "I'm a powerful dream demon." he answered with proud. "a Demon?! Demon is evil! ... Are you...?" you asked cautionly. "Well... yes... But.. no... I mean.. I wanna change" He reply calmly. You're little bit uncomfortable right now, because you don't know for sure if you could trust this demon or not. "I know you're kinda confuse now for trusting me or not, I can hear that" the demon read your thought. "W-wait.. You can read my thought?" you getting nervous. "Yes of course, I'm a dream demon kid, even I can enter to your dream or your mind whenever I want to~" he smirks. "...." you speechless. "Hahaha. Relax kid, I'm not going to your dream without your permitions." he joked. "Hey, Bill.. how did you turn into statue like that? what happen to you?" you asked curiously. "...." Bill didn't speak and didn't even glance. "well... if you don't wanna talk about it.. it's okay then." you said.

"We're here!" he said. He deliver you to your home. "You read my mind again, aren't you?" you glance and give him a smirk.(He reads your mind to find your home) He just nod and give a smirk. "You are a really unfair demon! But thanks anyway!" you smirk. "No problem kiddo! If you need me, just call me." he wink to you. Then you go inside your house.

Suddenly, someone approach to you. "[y/n]!! WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN? I'M SO WORRIED!" It's your mom. "I'm sorry mom. I'm lost when I head back home and have a little trouble with my shoe lace." you lied to your mom, you didn't tell her about Bill.

After this, you have a diner with your mom and grandma. Then, you take a shower and getting ready to sleep

You come in to your bedroom. And you muse to yourself while looking at the window.

'Hmm... Maybe that demon isn't that bad after all. he's kinda cute too~' you blush lightly and smirk a little. You then getting tired and get sleep.

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