Chapter 25

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Mabel POV

"SHE CAME WITH ME YOU BASTARD DEMON!" Suddenly, Stan appeared with his fist ready to punch from behind the demon. "Wha- AHH!!" Stan punch him in the face. "Nice punch Grunkle Stan!" I shouted. The demon backaway, and his hand was holding his face, he was sure in pain.

Stan freed me. "Where's Bill??" I asked. But Stan didn't answer me. Then, he pulled my hand and we ran towards a door. "There's another room inside a room?" I confused. We're about to open the door, but suddenly,  a hand grab and pulled me strongly. "Ahh!" I fell and dragged away from the door. "Mabel!!" Stan grab and pull me back, but he's not strong enough to pull back. He fell and getting dragged too. I looked back to where the hands were pulling me and Stan, it was the demon's hand, his hands were elongated!

Suddenly, a giant knife appear and cut his hands. "AHH!!" The demon scream. We stopped being dragged, and his hands still grabbing mine. "EWW! EWW!!" I shake and pull his hands off me. I threw it on the ground and it's still crawling and moving.

Bill appear on his giant triangular form, his triangular color is black, his eye's iris is red and his pupil is black, his triangular body has a sharp poisoning spikes. Bill have a multiple hands, and now he's punching the demon multiple times. "ZINTHOS! I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO NOT MESSING AROUND WITH-" Suddenly, Bill's punch was blocked and Zinthos grab Bill's hand and throw him away. "AHH!" Bill fell. His giant body destroyed the part of the room and the other room that's inside the room([y/n]'s prison/cage).

Zinthos turned into his giant scary monster form. Bill got up and they began to fight again.

While the demons were fighting, Me and Stan sneak into [y/n]'s room. "[y/n]!! There she is!" I said. We quickly ran towards [y/n]. [y/n] was passed out, she laid on the floor not on the bed. I held her body and shook it. "[y/n]! [y/n]! [y/n]!!" I called her. "It's no use she is not waking up" I said. "Maybe she was hypnotized or cursed" Stan said. "Maybe" I reply.

Bill POV

I was fighting with Zinthos. I got tired and pretty bored fighting him.

"Bill!! We found [y/n]! But she is sleep and won't wake up!!" Suddenly I heard Mabel scream to me. I got more angry when heard what Mabel said.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER??!" I glare fiercly to him. My fingers wrapped tightly around his neck. "I-I do nothing!" *Cough* He barely breathing, I loosen the grip a little so he could talk. "LIAR!" My eye glowed red and pull him closer to me. "I just put a sleep spell on her!" He shouted. I'm really angry right now. I opened a portal to another dime nsion(not earth) and throw him there. And finally close that portal again.

Then I fell down, and back to my human form. "Ahh!" I moaned. I looked at my belly, it's bleding. "Ahh dammit! He stabbed me" I held my bleeding belly and started to walk towards [y/n].

Mabel POV

"Glad that's over" Stan said.

"Bill!!" I said. "Bill, you're bleeding" I concerned. "Y-yea I know that. Don't worry about me" Bill replied. "No no! Your wound, it's serious Bill!" I helped Bill to sitdown then checked his wound. "Ahh! Ahh! leave it Mabel!" Bill moaned. "The blood won't stop, because the wound is pretty deep I guess" I said. Then I remembered that I wear a jacket. I took off my jacket and wrapped around Bill's wounded belly tightly, so the bleed will stop. Then I tied it tightly. "Oww! Enough enough, that's too tight" Bill said. "Alright, sorry sorry Bill" I said. The blood stil flowing out but not much as before. "Thanks" Bill said. "No problem" I reply.

Bill then checked [y/n]. "Ahh I'm glad that dumb demon didn't do anything weird to her" Bill said. "Let me just-" Bill snapped his finger but nothing happen. "Ahh! I can't cure her. Ahh I forgot! My power is draining when I'm hurt" Bill said. "What? How could you regain back your power??" I concerned. "When I'm in my human form, if my human body got sick or hurt it drains my power too. When I'm in that condition and turning into my triangle form, I'm weak too. Beside, when I was fighting that demon, I'm using like half of my power" Bill explained. "Yep, we're doom now!" Stan stated.

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