Chapter 13

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The next day.

You open your eyes slowly, and realize that you're not at your house. You wake up and sit down on the couch.

Suddenly Bill appear from nowhere and hugged you tight from beside you. You astonished but keep calm. "Morning darling~ Are you okay now?" Bill asked while hugging you. "Yea, thanks for saving me Bill" you thanked him. "I'm sorry for being gone awhile when at the ball last night because someone is distracting me and I can't get away from it" Bill said. "yeah it's okay" You said. "I won't leave your side again" Bill hugged you tight. You blush and smiled. Bill let go the hug. "you must be careful [y/n] I think Danny is going to do more than this.. My guess is He has been working with a witch demon.." Bill said. "I even don't know what his deal with me.. and Why did he capture me" You shrugged. "But whatever the situation is, I will be with you" Bill smiled. You blush even more and smiled relief.

Suddenly Bill kissed your lips passionately, and you kissed him back. "I love you darling~" Bill said. "I-I... love you too~" You said it shyly. It's the first time you said 'I love you' to him and he was surprized by that.

"Bill, I must go back to my house, my mom must be worried" you said. "Oww don't you wanna have breakfast here, with me?" Bill asked. "... I want to.. but I can't, I'm afraid my mom is worrying about me right now.. I'm sorry Bill, maybe next time" You apologized. "Huhh.. Alright" Bill said. Then you said goodbye to Bill, and then he opens the portal to your bedroom. You walk through the portal and arrived at your bedroom.

--time skip--

You already at your home and it's afternoon now. You were helping your grandma gardening on her backyard.

"Whoa grandma, you plant a strawberry? I love strawberry!" You said when you watering another plant. "If you want it, you can harvest it for you" Your grandma smiled. "Yes I want it, grandma!" you said. After you watering the plant, you take a basket and start harvesting the strawberry.

And then you wash the fruits and eat it. You didn't eat that all, but you store it on the fridge for another day.

Then the evening comes. You took a bath and you got out from your bathroom. You astonished, because there is someone in your bedroom, and the person who is on your bedroom is of course your demon boyfriend, Bill. He was sat down on your bed and he waved his hand to greet you.

You walked to him and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around you. You blushed. "Hello darling~" Bill kissed your cheek in a playful way. "Hello Billy" You called him in a cute nickname. Then you two chuckle. Then Bill release the hug. "I'm bored" he said. "Oww Bill, I just remember, in the afternoon I was harvesting my grandma's strawberry plant. Have you ever tried a strawberry fruit yet?" You asked him excitedly. "umm.. no.. What is a strawberry?" Bill confused. "Wanna try it??" You asked. "Well.. yea sure" He reply. "Wait here" You said. You go down stairs and took the strawberry and a melting chocolate in a bowl. Then get back upstairs."Here try some! I really live this fruit" You give Bill the strawberry. Bill took a bite of it. "Uhhh.. why it taste so weird" Bill said, his mouth feels a little dry by the sour taste. You chuckle. "that's a sour taste!" you said. "Now try it with chocolate, dip the fruit and eat it!" You said. Bill do what you said. "Hmm.. Now that taste good" Bill chuckle a little. While you ate the strawberry too with him. "This chocolate is so sweet!" Bill said. "Eat all you want Bill, I wanna go downstairs to get us a drink" you said. Bill nodded.

When you get back upstairs with a glass of [your favourite drink], you saw Bill licking the left melting chocolate liquid. "Bill??! why you eat the whole bowl of the chocolate?! You'll get fat-" You said. "Demons can't get fat" He said. "Oww" You kinda jealous that he cannot get fat and can eat anything he want without worrying the calories.

"[y/n] sweetie! Dinner's ready!" your mom called you. "Eh.. okay mom!" you scream.Your mom didn't know that Bill is in your bedroom. "Bill I'm going downstairs, if you wanna stay here in my bedroom, it's okay" You said before you go down. Bill nodded. Then you go downstairs and eat dinner with your mom and grandma. And after that you go back to your room and Bill's already gone. And then you go to sleep.

Author's note :
I made this chapter a little random :P
I made Bill character different, he is more kinda sweet and a lovable person in this story, but he is still the evil dream demon inside :P

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