Chapter 19

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The next morning.

You woke up, saw Mabel, Grenda and Candy were sleeping. Mabel and Candy were sleeping on the couch, while you and Grenda sleeps on the mat with pillow. You remembered that last night you watched movie together until morning. You saw the TV still on and you turned it off.

You get up and stretched your body. It's 6 AM. 'So quite here... I guess everyone's still sleeping now' you mumble. You take a walk to look around the house. Then you go to the kitchen and took a glass of water. You took a sip of it. Suddenly someone touched you from behind you, you instantly dodge and about to block it.

"Whoa! Calm down [y/n]! it's me, Dipper" Dipper said."Ahh.. It's just you Dipper!" You breath relieve. "Never surpised me like that again, got that??" you said it with annoyed tone. "O-Okay.. I'm sorry, I didn't know you got that surprised. So.. what are you doing here? waking up early like this?" Dipper asked. "I usually wake up early, why do you wake up early too?" you asked him back. "well, in the morning, sometimes I'm helping Grunkle Stan restocking some goods or helping Grunkle Ford cook for breakfast" Dipper answered. "oww" you reply.

"Hey you two love birds, wanna help me cooking?" suddenly Ford's enter the kitchen. You and Dipper startled. "Y-yea sure!" you two answered unison. "What do you wanna make today Ford?" you asked him. "Today I'm gonna make a chicken porridge" Ford said. Then you and Dipper began helping, you were washing the rice, while Dipper went to the fridge to pick some ingredients. Stan appear to the kitchen while yawning. "Hey Dipper, can you help me to pick up a few things from the grocery store?" Stan asked. Dipper nodded. "Grunkle Ford, I'm gonna help Grunkle Stan, is it okay if I leave?" Dipper asked politely. "sure" Ford said. Dipper left you and Ford alone in the kitchen.

A silence strike through you two. "So.. [y/n] are you from here?" Ford began to chat. "No, I'm from [your country/city]" you reply, while stirring the the boiled rice. "Oww. What makes you want to visit Gravity Falls?" Ford asked again while he chopping and peeling the chicken meat. "Well, I went to Gravity Falls to visit my grandmother. She live here. My Grandma used to live with me, but then she wanna moved with my grandpa, and they moved here to Gravity Falls. A few weeks ago my grandpa died and my mother began to worried about grandma, so we came to visit and stay with her a while" you explained. "Well.. Gravity Falls is a little isolated, weird and a little different from the other country, do you like it here?" He asked back. "Yea. Actually, I heard about the weird and mystery things on Gravity Falls, and I thinks that's cool" you said, while sprinkle a pinch of salt and pepper. "Haha I think so. I came here long ago and bought this place because I wanted to study the weirdness and the anomalies that's on here. And I did found many weird things. From the little legged gnomes, to the evil demonic triangle" Ford said. "Whoa that's cool!" you said and smile. 'a demonic triangle huh? He means Bill maybe...?' you muse. "You know [y/n], about 5 or 6 years ago, when Dipper and Mabel are about 13 years old, this town was destroyed and almost the whole universe!........(ford storytelling about the past that you already knew from Bill)" Ford continued. After that, you and ford keep chatting together until finished cooking.

"Well.. you were a really sweet person [y/n] and it was nice to chatting with you. By the way, thanks for helping me cooking" Ford smiled. "You too, Ford" you smiled back at him. You actually like to chat with Ford, and you realize that Ford is more like Dipper too, he likes nerdy thing and can solve a mystery.

"Hoahhmmmm... Morning.." Mabel, Grenda, and Candy woke up. "Morning girls! Ah, perfect time! Breakfast is already done" Ford said. "Morning guys!" you greeted them "Whoa [y/n] you woke early?" Grenda asked. "yep, I usually woke up early" you said. "come come, girls. Take a seat and get ready to eat" Ford bringing two bowls of the chicken porridge and serve it one by one to the girls. "Thankyou Grunkle Ford! Your cooking is so delicious!" Mabel smiled. "Thanks Ford" Grenda, you and Candy said. Ford nodded and smiled. Then he took a seat for himself and eat together with you, Mabel, Grenda and Candy.

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