Chapter 17

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"How clever you are, Cipher. Guarding her dream, huh?" Zinthos said. "We'll take her when she's alone" Danny continue. "Yeah we should get rid of that girl!" Shira said. "And erase her memory with Bill so she will love me again!" Danny said.


You wake up and strech your body. Suddenly Bill approach from nowhere. "Morning darling~" Bill said it tiredly. He yawn. "Whoa.. Bill what happen? You seems tired, aren't you last night sleep?" You worried and hold his body so he won't fall. "I didn't sleep last night, I was watching your dream while you sleep so nobody you won't be bother" Bill explained, and yawn again. You blushed. "I don't know I can be so tired like this... demons not used to be tired or sleeping, but when I'm in human form I think I do get tired" Bill said. "Then get some sleep Bill. Here if you wanna sleep on my bedroom, I don't mind" You said. Bill noded and he laid his body on your bed and sleep. You cover him with a blanket and smiled. 'Sweet dream, my dream demon~' you muse.

--time skip--

It's 1 PM already, you got bored and you decided to go to the Mystery Shack. You go to your bedroom and getting ready while Bill still sleeping. You left a note for Bill so he won't be worry. Then you left your house.

"[y/n] You come!" Mabel scream excitedly. "Hey Mabel!" You greeted she. "[y/n], meet my best friend, Candy and Grenda!" Mabel said. "Nice to meet you [y/n]" a sweet nerdy girl with glasses, that's Candy. "Hello!" she said with a little manly voice, and that's Grenda. "Hi guys! Nice to meet you too!" You said. Then Mabel invite you to her room to do make over and do girl stuff. You nodded and come with her.

"Hey Mabel, where is Dipper?" You asked. "He now with Grunkle Ford, doing some nerdy things" Mabel reply. "Oww, I see" you said. You four continue do some girl stuff, and also have a little chatting with Grenda and Candy too.

--time skip--

It's already 6 PM, you decided to go home. You say goodbye to Mabel, Grenda and Candy. "Hey [y/n]! Tonight I'm going to have a sleepover with Grenda and Candy, wanna join us?" Mabel invited you. "Well.. yea sure, I'll just need to ask my mom" You said and you continue walking home.

You arrived at home and asked your mom. "Mom my friend, Mabel, invited me to have a sleepover at her house, can I go with her tonight?" You pleaded. "Okay. but don't be naughty okay" Your mom tease. "Ha please mom, I'm 18 now, do you think I'm like a 5 year old kid to you?" You chuckle. "Haha.. okay okay, you can go" Your mom said. "Haha thanks mom!" You hug her then go upstairs to pack up.

"Whoa what's with the rush?" Bill asked. "Oh hey Bill, you still in my bedroom huh. I'm going to have sleepover with Mabel tonight! It's gonna be fun!" You said while packing. "Wait what??! With the pines family??! No you can't!" Bill does not agree to me. "Relax Bill, I won't do anything weird" You calmed him. "Uhh.. Fine.." Bill agreed.

After packing, you ate dinner with your mom and grandma then left your house.

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